You're not alpha...


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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You can only be Alpha is women literally pick you to be Alpha. Men cannot in the current world recognise Alpha because they are too stupid and clueless in THE GAME. Also, men are competing for Alpha position so you cannot be chosen by men to be Alpha.

In a community of Chimpanzees it is the females and older males who elect the Alpha Male. Women are literally hard-wired to pick Alphas and pick the right guy to be at the top, to run the society for the womens benefit (children, safety, resources etc). This is the reason why women are so useless at debating, arguing and politics. Women literally have very few views and opinions that they are passionate about because their job is not to have those but to politically align with whichever guy they beleive is the correct Alpha.

Giovanni SouthSide

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2022
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Tijuana, Mexico
a woman will recognize you as primal alpha if she lets you fvck her in the azz after some resistance, lets you cvm in her mouth and swallows,cooks you a meal and keeps hittin you up to come over for some more beating again. But the pillar of a woman seeing you as a natural alpha is showing you respect.


Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
You're not a real alpha male if women don't see you that way,
- then you're just a a beta male.

Change my mind. :devil:
Unless you're a sigma who doesn't really give a fvck what women or other men thinks anyways.

To women a sigma can seem alpha or beta, depends which woman you ask. The sigma isn't afraid of occasionally being perceived as a beta, something the ego of an alpha simply can't handle.

I personally don't give a damn about appearing alpha, I have more self-control and discipline than the stereotypical alpha will ever have. The women who can't recognize which level of the social game I'm at are simply below me. The alpha tries to impress all, I only care about those worthy of me.

So no, you're not necessarily a beta if some women don't see you as alpha, but it can't easily be ruled out either.


May 23, 2013
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Unless you're a sigma who doesn't really give a fvck what women or other men thinks anyways.

To women a sigma can seem alpha or beta, depends which woman you ask. The sigma isn't afraid of occasionally being perceived as a beta, something the ego of an alpha simply can't handle.

I personally don't give a damn about appearing alpha, I have more self-control and discipline than the stereotypical alpha will ever have. The women who can't recognize which level of the social game I'm at are simply below me. The alpha tries to impress all, I only care about those worthy of me.

So no, you're not necessarily a beta if some women don't see you as alpha, but it can't easily be ruled out either.
Interesting that you bring up the Sigma category. A search here for Sigma going back to 2003 only returns 291 forum posts with a few obviously referring to greek collegiate society.

It’s not all about alpha or beta. With six accepted types of male personalities, If men don’t discover and examine their own personality first, they will never know where they stand with women…


Interesting that you bring up the Sigma category. A search for Sigma going back to 2003 only returns 291 forum posts with a few obviously referring to greek collegiate society.

It’s not all alpha or beta. With six accepted types of male personalities, If men don’t discover and examine their own personality first, they will never know where they stand with women…
Care to link/elaborate the 6 types of personalities?


May 23, 2013
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Care to link/elaborate the 6 types of personalities?
Start here -
Google can find more reference articles for inquisitive minds …


Start here -
Google can find more reference articles for inquisitive minds …
Thanks, I think I'm between a beta and sigma. Interesting stuff


Aug 19, 2013
Reaction score
Eye of the storm
Interesting that you bring up the Sigma category. A search here for Sigma going back to 2003 only returns 291 forum posts with a few obviously referring to greek collegiate society.

It’s not all alpha or beta. With six accepted types of male personalities, If men don’t discover and examine their own personality first, they will never know where they stand with women…
What's funny is that I believe most guys on this forum aiming to become alpha would be far more likely to succeed if they tried to adapt to the sigma style.

Strange it isn't talked about more, but the sigma is more low-key after all, unlike the alpha who wants to make sure everyone knows how great he is by obnoxiously showing off all the time.

oOh Nasty

Master Don Juan
Apr 23, 2002
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I agree. If the women who witness you don't desire, admire, or "hate" you (aka, you're treated with indifference), then that's a beta tell. If women don't see you as having attractive qualities, or even worse, see you as non-threatening, then you're a beta.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2020
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Alpha has nothing to do with what women think.

All Alpha is is living on your own terms.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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Alphas are more about what other men think about you.

I note the comment above about living on your own terms. This is characteristic but let’s face it: a fat neckbeard living in a basement playing WoW and Visiting 4chan is living on his own terms.

Alpha means you are a leader of other men. You live on your terms and other men see your skills and attributes as valuable. Hence betas will follow you. You can have all the personality traits you want, but if other guys do not see you as a leader, you are not an alpha male.

We are animals and alphas lead the pack. There can be more than one.

If you want to be one, you have to provide more than DGAF etc, you have to provide some kind of value to the group.

Things I note the alphas I know doing:

- Take responsibility for negotiating discounts and splitting the bill eating out.
- Organising things
- Dealing with conflict on behalf of the group.
- Getting men in line when they’re drunk and causing issues within the group.

it’s a lot more than arrogance and PUA techniques.

Like all leadership, it’s a job and it comes with some actually difficult tasks. A lot of men will gladly shirk these.

Its not about ordering peoples beer etc, it’s not a service role, but it is about stepping up when the group needs leadership.

Generally you will be in a fight for it with one or two others, and the group will decide who gets to do it. This is where your overall kudos and respect comes in. If you’re well liked, not an ******* and show genuine care for all of your group, you are more likely to get consent.
This is where the fake online alpha bully stuff gets it wrong. People don’t follow guys who are clearly in it for themselves.

Alphas are highly social. They are not islands and they are not anti social bullies who DGAF. They are not the toughest or the biggest, always. More often than not, they are the guy with the most courage who is happy to play the role of leader. To do this he must have an impeccable reputation and not be seen as harmful to the group.


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
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I don’t think there’s very many true alpha males in forums like SoSuave. They are too busy running their multi-billion companies lol
Many call themselves "alpha" and think they are that because it boost their ego, but in reality very few are that,.
But it is not you yourself who get to decide that. If women treat you as a beta male then that is highly likely your true position in the social ranking ladder.


Aug 19, 2013
Reaction score
Eye of the storm
Many call themselves "alpha" and think they are that because it boost their ego, but in reality very few are that,.
I honestly can't think of anything more alpha than bragging about being an alpha. Unless by alpha you actually mean sigma. The alpha has an ego to boost, something the sigma just lacks.


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2022
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There are different definitions and opinions on the differences between Alpha and Beta males. I recommend the book "Beta Male Revolution" by Alan Roger Currie. ARC views Alphas and Betas from the perception of females, which I believe is most beneficial for guys on this forum since dating and relationships is what most of us are here for. A true Alpha male is a man is who is erotically dominant, focuses a lot on himself, has above average bedroom skills, and is unapologetic about his non committal and promiscuous lifestyle. These men naturally have an abundance mindset, rarely believe in monogamy (unless it's to co parent or raise children), and tend to be extremely confident in themselves and direct with females by knowing and expressing what they want without hesitation. Alphas are also usually very committed to fitness and maintaining their best physique. Beta males tend to be more career driven, have very competitive ego's, and often fall under the "nice guy" category which leads many of them to struggling with women. ARC categorizes two other hybrid delineations: Alpha male with a few beta traits, and Beta male with a few Alpha traits.

Here's the harsh truth... Women will use the possibility of sex to manipulate men (beta males) into marriage, long term relationships where they can suck all of the resources out of a beta male. They will usually be able to control this male and "wear the pants" in the relationship, and be able to realize their man would not cheat on them. So while a beta male may be a great father, friend, and long term partner, he may not have the erotic dominance or bedroom skills, masculine sex appeal of a true alpha. Once these women have gotten bored of their long term bf or husband and know they have control of the frame, they will lose attraction for him, but still stick around for the resources (non sexual companionship, money, time, etc). These are the women in society who cheat on their spouse or bf with an Alpha for casual sex, because they crave and fantasize about being dominated by the alpha. They want their cake and eat it too.

Note: You can be extremely Alpha and low value. While you can be extremely Beta and high value.

Tyrone who has a high degree of masculine sex appeal, confidence, and bedroom skills, may be in and out of jail with no job, but will have his choice of sex partners. Tyrone would be considered Alpha but "low value". This cat wouldn't be someone women want a long term relationship with, but would be interested in casual sex with.

Kevin who may struggle in the bedroom, hasn't had the most success with women, and tends to focus on his career and financial success would be considered beta but "High Value". This guy would be more appealing to women as a long term boy friend or husband in the eyes of women.

If you found this post interesting and want to learn more, I highly recommend the book Beta Male Revolution by Alan Roger Currie.