It's quite simple really. It makes no sense to blame the chads. I really don't understand how and why the "chad" is viewed as a big, bad boggeyman around these parts. My idea of a chad, which I think the majority of men share, is some really handsome guy, usually above average in height and great physique. Famous examples would be a Henry Cavill, Shemar Moore, Chris Hemsworth, guys like this. I can understand why women would like these you know what percentage of men look like this across the globe? Probably less than 5%. The great majority of men you will encounter in your life will NOT fit this mold, even men of above average appearance. We are talking about a VERY SMALL number of select men, non factors basically, so it is silly & foolish to worry about the threat of chads snatching all the women. Women will encounter them once every blue moon and when they do, probably won't even register on the chads radar. Likely the chad is already dating his equivalent that he met on a modeling photoshoot or something.
The majority of men are simps. Talk to your friends - you might get sympathy on some points but most won't be for anything related to men's rights. They'll be vehemently against it more often than not and will say something to the effect of "that's something only losers would subscribe too". No surprise these guys would often take the woman's side, apologize for them and **** on the men.
Whenever I have brought up it up I received far more pushback than sympathy or understanding. I have in almost 40 years only met a handful of people who you would call "MGTOW" - this is offline of course. Online, go to a neutral place (that means a forum or subreddit unlike this one) and see what people say on the topic of relationships. Any man who points out women's bad behavior gets shamed, by women sure, but right behind in them in almost equal numbers will be stupid men. These guys are the real problem, the overwhelming problem, and are the reason why women behave as they do. Women are smart and support each other; it's sad as a man to know you can't have the same solidarity and will likely be sold out by your fellow man.