Yes, game likely isn't going to work on actual low interest women. The challenge becomes determining what is low interest vs. what is mild to medium interest. Mild to medium interest can be affected by game.
I sniper approach, as
@DEEZEDBRAH has mentioned. It is my hope that I screen out a lot of my low interest prospects by not even bothering to them at all. I prefer not to have unpleasant interactions that fizzle out prior to me offering a drinks date or offering a date and getting rejection. Sadly, I have never been able to completely eliminate this, though I believe my efforts have reduced these types of interactions.
I think a lot of low interest women give off lousy body and discourage approaching. That was more true when I was in college (2001-2005) vs. now. Millennial women are notoriously poor body language signalers AND technology has changed so much since 2005. So many people are wearing earbuds now compared to 2005. So many people are playing with their cell phones now compared to 2005. I would like to think that a lot of women immersed in technology already have boyfriends and are not open to approaches. However, I think there are just some women who are so socially inept that they don't realize how their own actions with earbuds are turning off potential approaches.
Starting around 2017, I started to see more women wearing earbuds in the grocery store. Since this was years before pandemic induced indoor masking, I was thinking that there were enough women who got pisssed from being spam approached in grocery stores.