You are debating between spending thousands of dollars on a brothel girl. or a few dollars on a normal online girl.
Sounds very very strange.
He's also wanting to select an expensive package from the brothel woman. There are less expensive packages that result in directly paid for sex.
It's possible for a man to have enough failed "one date, no sex, no second date" type interactions from a swipe app to get close to the cost of directly paid for sex. It would take a long time for that to happen though with what's going on with the algorithms in recent times. I'm hearing that men are getting fewer matches now than even 3-4 years ago, where it was possible to get a decent amount of low quality dates, such as the "one date, no sex, no second date" type date that was common years ago.
The major problem here is that he has so many issues to resolve before he can be competitive in the mating market. He needs to get at least a place with a roommate, probably needs to up the physical fitness, and some other stuff. Dating before resolving those issues is mostly going to be a bad experience.
What girl in a brothel will tell a guy that or do that with a guy? A brothel girl can get nice clothes, nice shoes, can do her hair nice, to get picked up in a car by the guy, go to a restaurant with a guy, order whatever she wants from the guy, to show the guy how to act on a date in case he gets one with a real girl? Does that make any sense?
Every brothel female dated conventionally before becoming a sex worker. These women do have more conventional dating experience than
@needimprovement250 has. However, their conventional dating realities were likely much different than what
@needimprovement250 would experience.
He can get experience with the mechanics of sex from a brothel female. What he can't get from a brothel female is experience in attracting-seducing, which are key parts of indirectly paying for sex. All men do pay for sex, whether directly or indirectly. Longer term, he's better off learning how to obtain sex by indirectly paying rather than directly paying.
No, they're not... You're going to get ignored 90 percent of the time, rejected 5 percent, and 2.5 percent wasted time, with maybe 2.5 percent some traction gained... All by lower quality women. You have to realize their expectations are so far from reality it's comical. You should do it though.... I messaged over 200 women with all kinds of different openers. I got one serious response that became fwb for 8 months... The majority of the women were overweight, older, not attractive, single mothers looking for wallets or fake... It was still worth it though. Just realize that's the reality, and don't be discouraged.
I wouldn't worry about relationship experience. I'd focus on gaining sexual confidence first.
You provided a realistic representation of most men's experiences on swipe apps. When someone reads that, it's not worth doing that. Every person has a choice as to which marketing channel to use to meet women. There are other channels to use besides swipe apps. Approaching strangers either at bars or non-bar venues sucks too. Few men have fantastic experiences doing that. It's difficult to swoop into a co-ed sports league and get dates from that. Participating in co-ed sports leagues is a form of weak social circle game. Yes, it is easier to talk to a woman after a game in a co-ed sports league than it would be to talk to a random woman at the grocery store, mall, or a bar. Many men have participated in kickball leagues (that was huge around 2007-2015), volleyball leagues, softball leagues, soccer leagues, or any other sports league with the hope of getting their penises wet from participating. Most men failed with that.
There's inner game and outer game. This conversation seems focused more upon outer game than inner game. He has some inner game issues before going to outer game issues, such as which marketing channels to use.
I just got off a date with an 8 from OLD. If you don’t have good pics then don’t bother lol.
Swipe apps are one of the most difficult marketing channels to use. It's not worth doing in general unless you're a 90th percentile or higher guy.