F*ck? Hell yes. Date? HELL NO. I actually communicated with a porno chick Corey Chase about two years ago and even still have her cell number. Confirmed it was her. Never met up, tho.
Women like this are usually bottom of the barrel. Even the girls who try to make a living off of cam and OnlyFans work are in this category. I'm confident in saying they are all quite damaged psychologically in some way, so to invest your valuable time, effort, and money into someone like this is like buying a stock at $100 knowing you'll sell it at some point at $20. And maybe even have the SEC after you. Read on...
One thing no one else has brought up is, if you're dating her, you'll be invited to tag along with her social circle. Porn stars, call girls/escorts, and most strippers don't hang around with upstanding members of society. Usually it's narcos, losers, and freaks, due to the nature of their work and low self esteem. Slowly, we become like the people we hang out with over time, like osmosis. Some of these chicks are also into illegal s*it (drugs, prostitution, etc.) which could make you an unknowing accessory. It happens, dude.
Too many decent chicks to date to settle for trash.