Part-time gig sure. Just don’t do it on the job that pays the rent/mortgage.
Also, you can get phone numbers on your way out. Before I left my last job I made sure to get 3 phone numbers. Got em right after my 2 week notice.
Service sector McJobs are usually ideal for dating your co-workers. If you're working in a retail store or restaurant/bar, that's one of the perks of that occupation. Tenures are generally short there so it's common in that environment for co-workers to date and have sex. People who work in gyms tend to have sex with each other.
White collar, office work is where the rules are different. It's not advisable to do so. I'll detail that more below, but the only time in white collar work where you can find dates within your own organization is on the way if you've resigned. If you've gotten terminated, your market value will be so low that the women won't date you. If she has put in her 2 weeks or has gotten terminated, you can get her number/set up a date with her. It's easy in a resignation situation for the woman than a termination because you might not see the terminated woman before she is escorted off premises.
The point isn't that you CAN'T get sex in these places. You can. The point is that the risk greatly outweighs any potential reward. Also, you lose the chance to have these chicks become excellent social proof for you. If you have good looking women at work, DO still build rapport with them. But either wait until they leave the job or have them introduce you to other women they know.
Experience is the best teacher for some. You may find out the hard way why having a romantic relationship in the workplace is not a good thing.
Since women do not work much in blue collar roles, white collar office work is where men and women often work together. White collar has its own set of rules.
First off, in white collar, there is often an Human Resources Department. HR is typically staffed by women who have a SJW/careerist/feminist bent. The HR Associate/HR Manager is the enemy of the male employee. If accused of anything by a woman, HR takes the woman's side first. That's a treacherous element for men.
If you manage to avoid the wrath of HR, you must deal with the fact that romantic interactions and relationships are transient. They are often more transient than job durations. Imagine how much it stinks to have to see a female co-worker daily who rejected you for a date. Imagine how bad it is to see female co-worker daily that you had 1-2 month fling with that ended with hurt feelings. Imagine having a co-worker who is your ex-girlfriend of 1 year. You don't want to deal with that. It will often lead you to having to interview for another job. White collar interviewing is not easy.
One tactic that men can use in white collar settings is to date women who work for other companies within the same building. This only works if you work in a larger office building with multiple companies. I got some dates using this method because I had the fortune of working in a few different office buildings with multiple companies. That way, if things go bad, your job is not that risk. You might have to see the person every so often in the building, but that's manageable.
With the pandemic, a lot of white collar work is shifting partially or fully to work at home. Work at home is good for not creating awkward romance interactions.