Blocking and deleting is butthurt behavior.
Simply moving on is sufficient to deal with a flake.
If she comes back around, she has to come to your place, make you dinner, and suck your d!ck before you agree to another date.
Moving on is good, but were you able to figure out where you went wrong or learn anything from the situation?
I have a 1 strike policy like most men on here do. I also have standards. High value mindset. If she don't eventually submit, you know to quit.
Why is this trope of blocking and deleting a girl meaning the man is butthurt? AFAIC, the girl is more interested in being with her GF's, her TV's, and Tyrone, or Beta Bob who's flying her to Hawaii tomorrow. So when the girl flaked, there was either a better guy in the picture or not enough interest or investment from her to you. Competition is everywhere for any given woman, even outside of your home state. Most men don't buy these female excuses.
What's the likelihood of a flake coming back around anyway? About 1/256. Even then if she does, is it for an alpha role or some beta attention? My money's not on the 1/256 chance it's the former, that's for sure. Why keep dead or stale leads in your phone? To remind yourself of how many L's you took over the last 6 months? There's no joy in that, nor in reading the flake and rejection excuses you received.
Of course a woman won't lose sleep when she's blocked and deleted. Unless it was from a celeb or a millionaire. Otherwise, she MIGHT get pissed about losing you as a platonic friend, ego booster, emotional tampon, Onlyfans subscriber, free meal supplier, pic liker, or orbiter. Remember that men win when there's sex. Women win from validation and attention and gaining orbiters and resources. FAIAP, chasing, persisting, and pursuing are just extra validation and rewarding to a girl who just told you to go to hell. She treats you bad, and you want more? Dumb glutton for punishment you are. Extra points if you do get her out and you allow yourself to get used as a foodie call.
Now tell me, how the hell does blocking or deleting a girl make you look butthurt? Some girls consider a guy who's not responding to her flake text to be butthurt. Anybody wanna take a stab at this?