Just want to fvck another girl from time to time. That’s it.
Boys night out, boys weekends to another town, pay a hooker.
The problem with 2nd phones -- they tend to get found.
I had a friend who was side pooning and had her under "Franky Bags." His baby momma thought he was just
texting his weed dealer at 1AM.
Thing was, this guy was the biggest uber Chad I've ever known. His baby momma would
always get wind of the side poon, kick and scream for weeks but always took him back. Their little girl grew up in a household with constant screaming and cursing, sh!t getting thrown across the room, china being smashed on the floor, her toys being thrown against the wall in fits of anger, hysterical crying, daddy running out and being gone for weeks, banging skanks and being awake for days on coke benders.
He'd eventually come home, and there would be tearful apologies and reconciliation. And their daughter, for a few months at least, would believe that this time, she would have a mom and dad.
Then he'd go get another side poon. The whole song and dance would begin anew.