@metalwater you have to understand something. Positive happy people are attractive. If they also happen to be physically attractive and warm/engaging? They are massively attractive as well as rare. Everyone wants a partner with those attributes. I cannot change my personality or my positive energy. I like that I have sex appeal. It beats being awkward. I am well aware of the vibe I exude. I manage it and exhibit loyalty because I have character.
This is why character matters. And yes I am perfectly happy to turn away attention from men I might otherwise have interest in. That’s what you do as a partner. I enjoy the man I’m with. Why would I mess that up, disrespect him or betray him? I wouldn’t.
Maybe I’m way off but it seems to me that you might be drinking the kool aid of “Every woman is constantly on the hunt for something better…” that gets tossed around on here.
Now. Many many women are in fact like that. But not all. I am happy to be on my own. In fact it’s preferable to dealing with some sub par guy. I don’t entertain sub par guys. I don’t waste my time like that. If I’m with a man? It’s because I chose him from among those who wanted an opportunity to date me. I’m choosy. So if I’m giving a man my time? It’s because I find him worthy of the investment of my time, which is valuable and which I cannot get back.
So it’s not about whether I am having a blast…(I AM but not for the reasons you imagine, rather because I am internally happy, satisfied with life, full of joy, and positive…)
And this gets back to why I’m magnetic and attractive.
The avatar? That’s me. Recently. I’m fit, athletic, slender & stylish. I have a pretty face. But I’m not the single most beautiful woman on Earth. I know that. But as a total package I’d say I’m a solid 8 across the board. I know this. So if some gorgeous witch comes around? She might be a 10 in looks and or body with a 3 personality and a 6 intelligence and have an entitled attitude. Am I worried? Hell no. I’m solid across the board. Few women are. And so I own it.
And if someone who is genuinely a better option than me comes around? He can go. I’m not worried about all that. Seriously.