Whether you think the plane is real or fake isn't the issue here. It's that we're focusing our energy on things we have zero control over. Do see how we're playing right into their hand by doing that? It's to shift ones focus off their other crimes, keep us distracted, keep us divided and ultimately comprise our decision making abilities. Each distraction they harvest some of our energy. Time is energy. Imagine all the mins & hrs we've spent going back n forth this is past 18 months on all their distractions.
For example, This well known person of power gets caught fondling women. They do a big distraction so you forget about it. They get caught in a lie=distraction so you forget. Then they lie again. Rinse and repeat into an endless pit of taking our energy and them taking more from us whether its our privacy, stealing our money or freedoms. Another false flag was the bombing at the ATT building with the camper last year. After a couple days they don't talk about it anymore. I'm sure some reading that even forgot about it.
Things happen so fast we forgot a 1000 distractions in the past year. Our brains have never been tested in our lives the way they have this past 18 months. Our minds are not designed to take in all this overwhelming amount of negative information. Negative energy effects the mind in a negative way, thus reducing our vibration. That's why the news is always negative and not positive. Until you understand they dont give 2 chits about us you will never escape their grip.
Try turning off your phone, computer and TV just for 1 day. Think you can do it? If we watched a video of every single distraction in the past 18 months it be mind boggling the sheer amount of events that we probably forgot 95% of them within 24hrs. Our cognitive dissonance ends up being compromised as a result. We're dealing with the most powerful people on earth who invented mind control tactics to enslave us since birth.
Some of you act like you can't be deceived or brainwashed cause you think you're smart enough to know when it's happening. Distraction after distraction confuses the mind which makes it easier to manipulate you. Same tactics used like those toxic women some of you have dated.
Take from it what you will. Another red flag is how grainy the video is. Don't focus on anything put the windows. Look at the glare and reflection of the glass above vs no glare on glass, just pitch black below. The glass above looks like glass vs painted on. You will see other clues that might stick out but Im just pointing out the most obvious. I mean there's been hundreds of others who noticed it right away. Like that hidden picture clue game you've played at the bar. You'll look at the screen for mins without finding the hidden object, then someone else will find it in secs. We all see different things that others might not. There are times just because you dont see it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Here is a video interview with Louise Payne, clearly a different woman. You claim to have seen it with your own eyes which is pretty sus, since this happened in Australia specifically western Sydney and im willing to bet you're an American
Now do you have a legitimate source for your wild accusations?
I have to live in Aus in order to watch their news? Last I checked I can watch anything I want, from anywhere in the world with a few key strokes. I fully expect to be called crazy, troll, liar, or whatever you wanna call me. A lifetime of conditioning will do that to a person.
This makes me laugh considering I use to study how manufactured the news was and how much they were like advertisement. This only proves me more right.
Fake news has been exposed time and time again, year after year, yet so many have been conditioned to rely on it for their daily "programming" of the mind. Most would still watch it even if they knew just how far these people go to deceive the world. We are the land of overweight couch potatoes who stays glued to the TeLIEvision.
My neighbor told me his mom is so brainwashed from watching CNn that she will do anything they tell her to do. That if those vaxxx door knockers came shes open the door, offer them food and tell them to convince her son to take the shot.
Yahoo is our enemy. Using a pic from 2013 as if it's present. Many news stations last year got caught using overseas hospital pics saying its NY or using an obvious cpr dummy saying its a real patient. Thats how dumb they think we are. Quite frankly we are that dumb.
A photo of more than 600 Afghans packed into a cargo plane offered a ray of hope Monday amid a day of otherwise dark developments, as the Taliban’s seizure of Afghanistan spread to the capital of Kabul. The stunning Defense Department photo, seen in full below, shows a U.S. Air Force C-17...
2013 pic
The number of passengers is among the most ever flown aboard the aircraft.