Employers planning to deduct $50/month for unvaccinated employees


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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I doubt they would add $50 to income tax like that, but I'd love to see the rage it would cause, especially to the blacks and hispanics refusing it, which will feel it a lot more.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
Small price to pay to keep that shvt out of my body.
Ignorance is bliss. Should be more like $500 a month to make up the huge difference in hospitalization costs unvaccinated people are accruing and causing insurance increases for the rest of us.

Don't want to be vaccinated? Cool. You all get put into a pool and pay the cost differences so healthcare costs don't rise then.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
Ignorance is bliss. Should be more like $500 a month to make up the huge difference in hospitalization costs unvaccinated people are accruing and causing insurance increases for the rest of us.

Don't want to be vaccinated? Cool. You all get put into a pool and pay the cost differences so healthcare costs don't rise then.
Well if one wanted to, they could make the argument that being willfully ignorant in today's society is aiding and abetting not just treason, but also crimes against humanity. So there is that...

It's been 20 years that the info has been out there, and it's pretty easy to see who has and who hasn't taken a mere 5 minute objective look into the events of 9/11/01, or at least a cursory look into how the federal reserve creates money.


Jan 17, 2020
Reaction score
Employers are having trouble finding employees now, seems like adding this extra barrier wouldn't be helping them any.
For high level jobs in certain niches yes, but low level roles are still very hard to come by for many.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
For high level jobs in certain niches yes, but low level roles are still very hard to come by for many.

Not really, every fast food joint I drive by has huge banners advertising "WE'RE HIRING!!!!"... some of the local restaurants have been forced to scale back hours due to a lack of staff. So yes, there are plenty of entry-level jobs available.

But people got used to getting Bi-den Bucks, and with the eviction moratorium perpetually being extended, people have no incentive to go back to work.

There's a phenomena right now call "The Great Resignation" where people are quitting their jobs in record numbers.


Jan 17, 2020
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Not really, every fast food joint I drive by has huge banners advertising "WE'RE HIRING!!!!"... some of the local restaurants have been forced to scale back hours due to a lack of staff. So yes, there are plenty of entry-level jobs available.

But people got used to getting Bi-den Bucks, and with the eviction moratorium perpetually being extended, people have no incentive to go back to work.

There's a phenomena right now call "The Great Resignation" where people are quitting their jobs in record numbers.
McDonalds wages are garbage that's why, you get what you pay for in the end. A lot of restaurants in america don't even pay their staff and they live off tips.

You don't see doctors and Lawyers quitting because they get good wages. Those entry level workers have nothing to lose.

For high level jobs, companies are the ones that chase you up. We have a shortage of skilled high level professionals but no shortage of entry level workers.

Also cutting off welfare, won't magically turn people into productive citezins. Welfare mainly exists to keep wages stagnant below inflation.

Ford became successful because they doubled their wages and improved working conditions/hours. This reduced the high turnover rate which made them save a lot of money in the long run.

Most companies besides Amazon and Tesla have no long term thinking.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
That's better than not hiring someone who is unvaxxed. Some companies will refuse to hire anyone who is not vaxxed even if it's for medical reasons, and that that's rather harsh. If it's important enough that someone's not vaxxed, then at least they have a job, what is $ 50 these days anyway?


Jan 17, 2020
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Unvaccinated people are a high risk population. Therefore health insurance costs more. I don't know why people should expect their employers to just suck up that extra cost.
People think we live in a dystopia like 1984, the reality is humans are more free now then any other point in history. They think America is literally North Korea.

In the middle ages the average person was literally treated like a piece of expendable property. The industrial age had child labourers dying in the coal mines.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
Unvaccinated people are a high risk population.
Spot on. Unvaxxed are pure organic beings who can see the obvious narrative at play to harm & enslave humanity.


Well if one wanted to, they could make the argument that being willfully ignorant in today's society is aiding and abetting not just treason, but also crimes against humanity. So there is that...

It's been 20 years that the info has been out there, and it's pretty easy to see who has and who hasn't taken a mere 5 minute objective look into the events of 9/11/01, or at least a cursory look into how the federal reserve creates money.
Only a few can see what's really going on. A big issue is people don't want to spend the time digging for the truth cause they don't want it. We've been conditioned since day 1 to rely on their false world to provide our information. Most tell me "what am I gonna do with the truth". One could read or listen to the Numbering 2.0 trails for crimes against humanity but they don't want to. Easier for them to stay in their safe bubble.

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Ignorance is bliss. Should be more like $500 a month to make up the huge difference in hospitalization costs unvaccinated people are accruing and causing insurance increases for the rest of us.

Don't want to be vaccinated? Cool. You all get put into a pool and pay the cost differences so healthcare costs don't rise then.
A cannot stress enough to pay attention to those eating out of Satan's hand. These people have been weaponized exactly like they've brainwashed them to be. All the mind control has them wanting those who don't follow the narrative to be punished. What goes on in your mind that fills you with so much hate that you'd want someone punished for simply choosing not to put something in their body? I don't care what you put in your body, nor would I want to see anyone punished for it. We're not enemies for making different choices.

You can clearly see in all the threads the same members are becoming more heartless by the day. Wanting someone punished for choosing to be organic. From those who do not follow the narrative to all be dropped off on an island, fema camps,passports, paying a fine or jailed, labeling them a threat to society. You got this clown saying $50 is not enough, make it $500. He wants 10 times more punishment. Do you not see how these people have become weaponized? While they won't admit it, I can feel the energy in their posts they wouldn't give 2 chits what happens to the people saying NO.

God runs on love & compassion. Satan runs off hate & fear.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
well it WILL depend on your laws, where I live any deduction is considerated illegal and if sued for it not only the employer is forced to pay the diference with correction plus indenization for doing so, so end game employers would lose a lot more money. termination on the other hand can happen


Jan 17, 2020
Reaction score
Ahh democracy at its best, those government fvckers are giving unreal rights to LGBT and others sick weirdos while they don't respect human rights of people who refuse vaccination.
If you think your so oppressed try visiting a real dystopia like North Korea or any other third world dictatorship.

You guys act like a lockdown is the same as the gulags in the ussr or concentration camps in China

You conspiracy theoriests have a real victim complex


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
Spot on. Unvaxxed are pure organic beings who can see the obvious narrative at play to harm & enslave humanity.

View attachment 6906

Only a few can see what's really going on. A big issue is people don't want to spend the time digging for the truth cause they don't want it. We've been conditioned since day 1 to rely on their false world to provide our information. Most tell me "what am I gonna do with the truth". One could read or listen to the Numbering 2.0 trails for crimes against humanity but they don't want to. Easier for them to stay in their safe bubble.

View attachment 6908

A cannot stress enough to pay attention to those eating out of Satan's hand. These people have been weaponized exactly like they've brainwashed them to be. All the mind control has them wanting those who don't follow the narrative to be punished. What goes on in your mind that fills you with so much hate that you'd want someone punished for simply choosing not to put something in their body? I don't care what you put in your body, nor would I want to see anyone punished for it. We're not enemies for making different choices.

You can clearly see in all the threads the same members are becoming more heartless by the day. Wanting someone punished for choosing to be organic. From those who do not follow the narrative to all be dropped off on an island, fema camps,passports, paying a fine or jailed, labeling them a threat to society. You got this clown saying $50 is not enough, make it $500. He wants 10 times more punishment. Do you not see how these people have become weaponized? While they won't admit it, I can feel the energy in their posts they wouldn't give 2 chits what happens to the people saying NO.

God runs on love & compassion. Satan runs off hate & fear.
View attachment 6910
Yes...everything is a conspiracy theory. The amount of time people will waste making sh!t up to avoid living in reality astounds me.

Imagine what you could accomplish if you spent that amount of time on something useful.
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Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
well it WILL depend on your laws, where I live any deduction is considerated illegal and if sued for it not only the employer is forced to pay the diference with correction plus indenization for doing so, so end game employers would lose a lot more money. termination on the other hand can happen
In the US employers can choose to make high risk employees pay more for health insurance. They already do this with people who use tobacco.