I think the looking insecure part comes down to how you carry yourself. If someone looks a bit uptight, or awkward and expects women to flock to you on that alone then its not going to help you much. I can usually tell pretty quickly about someone judging by their body language, how they're behaving and women tend to be much more perceptive. Like you say, it's not always someones size/physique that indicates someones dominance. You get the vibe of all shapes and sizes that they're not be messed with.Just as often...
Getting jacked can make a guy look very insecure. Most gym rats that I see hang out with each other. Some may be with girls, but not any more than skinnier guys who are still in shape.
Heck, I've even seen obese broke guys with attractive girls because they gave off a dominant vibe that might scare lots of other guys.
People on this forum are way too black and white thinking.
If you come across reasonably normal, have a decent personality it can be another point or two towards how attractive others find you.
It's certainly not the golden bullet to a life full of beautiful women, but I'd assume most on here know that. Need to be well rounded and this is just another facet that adds to that.
Women tend to gravitate to the most attractive person in the group/situation at that time. If they're in a room full of fairly normal guys, with similar attritubtes, but one is loaded moneywise, he may get more attention than the others. If you have the same men in the same scenario, then another turns up, who is also wealthy and excellent shape he'll become more attractive than the other guys and it becomes his situation to lose.
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