Agree completely. My ex wife was never one for clubbing, late nights with friends.I don’t believe, that for many of these women, it’s outwardly on purpose. There are biological forces at work.
“let’s go into town and get some drinks.” She rolls it around in her mind. Socializing as an impulse she goes. Normally with other wives and friends. On first appearance this seems harmless enough. Do not be fooled. She might even not be thinking of “cheating”, just getting attention and validation BUT she is intentionally putting herself out there. This is a drive. I’m not making excuses for women. They do not look at honor or codes as a rule. This is when the “it just happened” sentence shows up. Once she’s in it, she is easily overpowered BUT she sets it up. Consciously this may not be intentional but subconsciously it absolutely is on purpose.
Biology trumps vows. There are women out there that know themselves a little better and know her own warning signs when her biology rears it’s ugly head and she will not do it.
For most this is when she will start an argument when you’re 10,000 miles away. Thus she has her justification. She is not going out to blow off steam. Unless you are fully aware that women blow off steam and stress with sex. Women who turn sex down with you because “stress at work” are lying to you. They know that sex with someone else makes it dissolve.
At the bottom line, a man made her feel something last Friday night. Which she knows is wrong and she caused it by being there on purpose. Then her mind has to walk it backwards to stop from feeling like such a slvt. Now she has “you were being an as$hole on the phone”. Now it’s justified.
If she starts an argument...she has already sowed the seeds of sex. Not the other way around. She doesn’t start an argument and then go hunting. She has already hunted and now has to justify it. This should be an eye opener for you. If you know this, you will know how to guide the conversation. You approach it like she’s already made up her mind. Because she is hunting a justification.
This is a huge manipulation tool because now she can say that you have been distant, you never talk to me. Etc. Etc. Etc. thus gaslighting you by showing you your supposed cause of the whole situation. This turns your mind inwards and now you find fault in yourself. She at this point, has manipulated a win. You go even more pvssy and may even go get “therapy”. Hahahahaha
Amazed me how many friends were seemingly at ease with their partners going to clubs several times a month.
Not much good comes from it in my experience. Maybe wary as I slept with numerous married/women in relationships when drunk on nights out in my 20's
I wouldn't enter into any kid of exclusive relationship with someone who wanted to lead that life style.