Most 21 year old women think that being a stay at home mom is completely stupid and goes against "feminism" and all they want to do is be "independent". Yet as women get into their 30's and into their 40's, they begin to realize the importance of being an involved and responsible mother. Motherhood COMPLETELY changes women. Prior to motherhood, they have no clue and have no idea the feelings associated with being a parent. They think that they are going to be career oriented, traveling the world, partying, and being a mother never crosses their mind. Taking care of another life never crosses their mind and the duties associated with it. They don't care about dating men who are financially responsible or want to be involved fathers and provide for their families and are loyal to their wife and family, they just want to date guys who party and have a cool car. Older women realize that femininity is powerful, yet younger women want to embrace masculine roles and think femininity is oppressive to women as a gender.
This got me thinking, why exactly is this the case?
These days What you will find are women that want to be courted and be treated in a traditional sense when it suits them, but have the benefits of a non traditional way of living when it suits them.