I was ghosted by a girl who had expressed a strong desire to meet over texts. I had already met her once in a group setting and she seemed cool. Navy girl.
I told her to meet me at X bar at Y time and on the night she didn't show up, didn't call or text to say why. I was blue pilled and called her, thinking maybe she had no phone credit. She didn't reply. I took a picture of my drink and texted it to her "since you're busy I went ahead without you
" and she replied much later to tell me she was at a different bar with two friends of mine. Needless to say I ignored that text. I was already on my way home anyway.
Suddenly ten minutes later a random girl on FB starts sexting me outta the blue and another single mother, town slút who usually thinks her shít don't stink starts hitting me up. Now, they would have contracted me even if sailor girl hadn't ghosted, but it shows how girls who flake or ghost aren't worth a second thought. I did stupidly try contacting the deckhand again a couple days later and she ignored me. I deleted her.
Today, I would wait thirty minutes, tops, and then leave without ever calling or messaging her. If a girl values your opinion of her in any way, she will not ghost you. She'll borrow a stranger's phone to text you to reschedule if she has to. I had to banish the blue pill the old fashioned way, but guys today don't need to. They can simply read about my and countless other guy's experiences and conclude the obvious.