You know the interesting thing is that since the invention of social media most people have become very delusional about there own lives. When I first got Facebook I ended up with a 1000 something “friend’s” and tried reaching out to a lot of those “friends” to no avail. They would rather have full blown conversations on social media, update there statuses, upload pictures, comment ... etc rather than pick up the phone and form some sort of a
real connection in
real life. That’s just how things are nowadays.
Society has become so addicted to social media that a lot of people are losing touch with reality and don’t even have real conversations anymore. Believe it or not all these big name corporations including the companies that run social media have the best minds working on how they can get you addicted to there products including smartphones, social media, food, porn, sugar, Netflix, news, drugs, TV...etc and for the masses it’s working. Most people can’t put down these phones for even a minute to talk to a person in real life. It’s become just a big game for these corporations and it’s working. A lot of people are disconnected from each other and even themselves. They are sleep walking/drifting through life and are deeply stuck in the Matrix. Unplugging them or deprogramming them is a thankless job and you will be ostracized and excluded.
For me personally I’m constantly working to better and elevate my thinking and become a better man not just on the outside but on the inside as well and most people would rather not do that. Actually most people don’t do that. I can connect with a lot of people but keeping and making friends has always been difficult for me because of my personality which tends to intimidate people.
However, what I have done is associate with a lot of people. Even in high school I knew damn near everybody but was never part of a group. Same thing happened in college and even at some of the jobs I’ve worked. If you become too much of a threat most people are not gonna want you around which is a good thing because it eliminates most people and you only associate with high caliber people that are secure in themselves.
Again I’m not looking down on anyone or anybody just presenting things for what they are. Don’t take any of this personally that’s just the way things are but as long as you are doing your best to reach out and try to make friends ...slowly but surely the right people will come into your life. As for everything else just take in stride.
Or maybe I’m the crazy one.