virus originated on china, who disregard human rights and its not really know as being clean, plus if its alive the chinese will eat, from grains to scorpions and roachs.
the last 100 years at least(before taht too but keep it more simple) all disease who did go global was originated from china, spanish flu, regardless his name started on china. china as everyone know is a socialistic mess, who started to use slave labor to go global and get money from others to sustain they country, with there is previsions they will ruins in a couple of years if things keep like this.
so tell me, why a virus originated from a socialistic country, have anything do to with the rest of world who have free market and free speach, with wating or not is where the captalism system is used?
at most its the liberals who was against closing borders with china to prevent the virus spread, trump wanted that, but the liberals was against it.
but then again I doubt you can answer it honestly