Plate pulls back takes a day to reply.
This has happened to 2 new plates almost like clockwork.
Is this their version of a power struggle to try to get commitment?
Dont they know that I wont be waiting for them and will either not reply or cancel the plan if she takes a day to reply.
Modern day female logic in 2020. Onto the next D. Typically, the classic jump off soon to be single mom, fat as ****kkk slob, spinster feminist.
Modern life Jon was talking about the typical girl power feminist barrista paying off her feminists degree studies and being pissed off as she pours you your coffee. She could be pouring her husband a coffee and taking care of HER CHILDREN. Instead she is a mule and a conformist to whatever she is indoctrinated by. Consumerism careering, victimhood, and being a *** receptacle during her best years. Modern life Jon enjoys her life choice and stupidity.
Rss Tyler made a vlog about the bodies of your enemies will float up creek sooner or later. The greatest revenge is in living the good life. My own personal experience via pickup has been the W of pulling girl age 19 and running into women from the past. Women get furious as they acknowledge the crows feet, the scale they've thrown out, and the fact they were not getting the ring. Its hilarious. Not sweeter feel. Almost better than sex.
In 2020, the game is catch and release. Enjoy the decline. Pillage what you can. The old pickup notion of leave her better than you found her is moot.. If you are a top shelf high value man, you essentially ruined her life by becoming the new benchmark.
I don't think it is a deterministic thing as RP likes to make it. There's elements of it like the matrix. You can break rules. You can unplug. I started game and pickup in pursuit of pulling lots and to eventually vet a wife. Today ots too easy and I acknowledge that the freedom of bachelor life far exceeds playing the role of father in the west. Women are not worthy of the commitment.