Whether any of you want to admit it or not, the internet is a double edged sword-- It allows you to share your strategies, but also, your strategies become recognized.
I agree with you OP, not in the sense that a lot of people here dont know what they are talking about, but in that our strategies need to develop into something more than just the same old.
Initially, I tried to push the basic fundamentals of Manipulation, but I was met with Masculine Morality, so now I am in the process of deconstructing that Morality so these foolish men see the real tools...
See, you guys have tripped over some Manipulation tactics already, but refuse to see them as Manipulation, such as not being available and ghosting, two very powerful tactics that are almost fundamental to have any amount of success.
But instead of furthering development into Manipulation, the large egos here wrap themselves up in the results of it instead, while claiming Manipulation is bad.
Manipulation is, at its roots, a game of intelligence, since the more choices you can recognize, the more Manipulation you can employ...
Instead, we have these silly men that talk about Self-Development without ever speaking on the intellectual side of it and then push back when challenged, in regards to Manipulation, while literally employing Manipulation.
Yes, you DJ's have tripped over some powerful tactics, but its time to start really developing a full understanding of just what exactly was tripped over... You built a whole bible on it, its like a fundamental thing, but Manipulation is bad.
Some of you will not have the intellectual prowess or focus to further these strategies, that is totally fine, but do not let your insecurity manifest into resistance, for I do this for your benefit, as well as everyone elses.
As per questioning body counts, we are on the internet, what do you expect? This is a place to learn, not a place to push Masculine Morality and Ego over how many plates you have or body count, who cares? The fact that this is being complained about only furthers my resolve to bring the intellectual side of game to fruition, no, not just game, but advantages in the game of life itself.