not talking about the mate that strayed, talking about the one that took advantage and likely leads them to it. I never loved that one, and the more that we loved the mate the stronger the impact both in and out. this is man, I expect women to have a different feeling. not meaning women are bad, if they have been hurt they have feelings that are valid about it. I am telling how as a man how it processes, A man that is very proud, to be honest, and clean will have a far stronger reaction than one that is RP for years or just spinning plates and really does not care. there are an evil and black hole in the heart of some of them. I have seen the same that shows in other ways, in parts of the world there are guards in prison that do things to other men for the FUN of it. It is the same, exactly the same.
the feminine woman does not see the large picture they only see the small one that is in the moment, that is created by the evil one.
dramatic words, but the only way to explain.