I'm always giving sexual undertones no matter how low-grade a female, I'm talking couldn't-find-her-pvssy-in-bed kinda beast (in her 50s or 60s) cashier at the checkout. What's horrific though is when low-grade girls will smile at me or think they have a chance with me, it certainly Does make me feel degraded the same way a hot girl would feel degraded by a lower guy coming on to them. You feel, "how could you EVER?" think you should be with me??? The problem is being a sensitive guy, I won't be Cruel to the lower gal as a higher woman would be outright cruel (or INsensitive) to a lower guy (because she's WEAK by nature). This women are sensitive stuff is a fallacy. Some guys can't even LOOK at a waitress or whatever higher female without them going ape-sh!t. INCELS have it worse than ever these days, while us mentalCELS (what I was in the 20s of my life but now only have remnants of) every now and then feel the brunt of immoral women of today (downright psychopathic). Women on the broad, used to be rooted in Christianity here and in other European countries, and outright in-the-open cruelty wasn't displayed much to injure the male psyche (out of obligation...to the 'Lord' Jesus or their religious upbringing). Materialism has brought us to this women's or female nature being unveiled day in and day out, because the HAZARD for showing enmity towards the male has been lowered to nothing. There's no recourse. So A (Amity) = E (Enmity) * h (Hazard). This E goes up as h goes down. E goes down as h goes up.
So take, for instance, our Ancient NEED for WAR and killing. It's been suppressed since the invention of the nuclear weapon. So h (hazard) has gone up to 100%, while E likewise must fall to nothing. We are forced to like one another and get along even though our ingrained ancestral code or genes create turmoil telling us to do otherwise. We have been in uncharted territory for decades now, in human conditions Never seen before in our millions-old evolutionary past. VERY HARD to adapt to these changes, not being able to WAR. WAR fulfills the 3 basic human needs of 1) Identity 2) Stimulation 3) Security. Territory satisfies those 3 needs as well. After that, Love, but Love is not as surefire or stable as WAR and Territory in getting all 3 needs met at once, the trifecta.
We started as predatory, carnivorous animals killing with the tools we took up to kill (because we are primitive primates, with no advantage built in to us - our canines recessed, no claws, no horns).
So back to A = E * h. Hazard for women is down to hardly anything due to the police state and social psy-op/courts, providing-for-themselves job opportunites/government checks to supplement/divorce payments, thus Enmity (or being against the outside enemy or the male sex) is sky-high. If hazard for women was pre-1960s or 70s, 80s even, then Amity (for the male sex) would be Very high and marriages remain intact, betrayal at a very low point.