2005 was the year I dated my one and only pua of my life-or at least it was ending in 2005 from 2003.Was in my blind spot. But yeah that was a riot too! They ended up funeral crashing in the end. Also a 2005 movie.
That's three movies in 2005.
Incidentally the Game book by Neil Strauss was also released the same year. 2005 is the first, and possibly only year I spent money myself to a PUA ($99 US), known as Seduce and Conquer with Payton Kane and they promised a guarantee you'll get laid if you follow his CDs. What a rip-off. They gave you suggestions on fashion and what can they recommend a nerd such as myself? Upgrade to their $ 1,000 US nightlife package where he takes you to a nightclub bar. It was not for me.
That being said...2005 was also the year I was really interested in taking Dance Lessons with the hope of meeting women in the process.
There was also a movie called "Shall We Dance", was released in 2004, but I rented the DVD in 2005 (i.e. so it's processed mentally as that same year, lol!)
This makes me feel there was some Zeitgeist of PUA around that time where it was just popular which peaked around 2005 and then began to decline after 2013.
What can I share from what he bragged about? (weird he bragged to me hey?first boyfriend to try grooming me for lesbianism I guess)
So he got a lot of experience living above a bar in a bar district called Hess Village in Hamilton.
He didn't use the word 'pull' but he would brag that he could pull several a night by convincing them to go back down to the bar after sex for a nightcap and then 'losing' them while he picked up his next lay of the night.
When he googled my name, saw family member's obit and called that funeral home to get the message to me to call him in 2017 he swore he never cheated on me. A pua. Hmmm.
Even though he tried that comp. anxiety schitt which doesn't work on me....I always dump the guy for those games.(I had lost admiration for him and I guess he was trying to rekindle desire with those games)
What else can I pass on to the forum about his experience?
He believed in the value of 'slump busters' to give you your sexual energy back and high smv ego validation back.
As I think of more stuff he bragged about, I'll share with the forum.