So I've read a lot of toxic stuff on this forum about how the game ends at 30 and how after the age of 30, it is impossible to meet a lot of new women.
100% fiction.
BS spread by guys who have zero game and/or are under 30 themselves.
At 37, I have a good sample size comparing game. I'll compare a few different eras in my adult life. 18-21 (undergrad), 22-29, and 30-present.
Access to the market: It is different. From 18-21 I was in undergrad at a large public university. No one was married. That helped, but not as much as you'd think. 18-21 is the peak era of the "I Have a Boyfriend" (IHAB) speech. Google "Boyfriend Destroyer Lines". Probably the most important information. Most guys probably don't properly learn how to handle the IHAB until 22-29 or even 30+. IHAB is either fictional or the woman is open to the monkey branch if enough value is demonstrated. There are more opportunities to meet people organically from 18-21.
22-29: For those who go to college, once the post college era ends, things do get more difficult. For non-college attendees, this starts whenever formalized school ends. For a man, 22-24 can be tough. At the bars, you'll be younger than a lot of women. This is countered by going to bars near a university. That will depend on your city. I highly recommend that from 22-24 men either date slightly younger undergrads or women 18-22, or bang an over 30 woman. The typical mid-30s woman will put out more easily for an 18-24 year old guy than for guys her age to a few years older. A 34 year old woman doesn't ask for anything from a 22 year old guy other than having a hot bod. I did bang some 30 something women during this time in my life. Then, at 25, guys are now older than some women on the generalized bar scene and can start to date more easily. Day game becomes easier as easier. 25-29 is often the peak social circle time frame as this is when most people are either uncoupled or coupled but in shorter term transient relationships. This point in time is very short.
30+: Social circle game will dissipate by some point in one's early 30s as most of a typical social circle becomes ensconced in LTRs. Single and unattached people tend to wither from groups. At this point, a 30+ single male must find new social circles from things from co-ed sports leagues. Day game becomes more feasible because it doesn't require going out at night with other single males. I've actually seen guys in their 30s stay in relationships too long because they didn't have male friends to accompany them to bars on pickup missions and didn't want to deal with the hassle. I like cold approaching at non-bar venues more because I'm more introverted, which isn't well suited to night game. Guys 30+ can still go out to night venues and do it solo. I've done solo approaching at night venues after age 30 and wasn't questioned at all by target women for flying solo.
Access becomes more difficult, but game is far from over at 30 and beyond.
It is easier when you're 30+ to meet women who are close to your own age on apps, but realize that the typical app sourced date between a 35 year old man and a 33 year old woman sourced from a swipe app will usually be a complete waste of time. Most will be one date, no sex, and no future in-person dates. It will end with either a ghosting (preferred), or a candy asssed
text message of "I had a good time but I do not see this going further".
Sex and Relationships:
If a man is to able to navigate the treacherous waters of early stage relationship formation, it is often likely that the best quality sex happens at age 25 or later, as well as some of the best quality relationships. Even with increased access to women at 18-21, most of the relationships formed in college will disintegrate by one's mid-20s, or 30 at the latest. There are plenty of ways to form relationships as life goes on, and it doesn't require swiping like a maniac to do so. Yes, cold approach can be nauseating. Yes, forming new social circles can be utterly time consuming and often ungratifying. Yes, attending events in the hopes of meeting other singles in the major city can be unpleasant. Getting past that stage is key. I think many men realize the previous statements, and they're often afraid of that, and they'll stay in a mediocre to bad relationship too long because they fear the singles scene and forming new relationships.