Sweden is a great country. I'm glad you that you benefit from it, and I'm more glad that you are appreciative of it. Some of these migrants into Europe have some sort of entitlement complex where they feel owed government-subsidized stuff instead of being appreciative for what is given even though they never paid taxes into it.
I strongly dislike the mismanagement of immigration because it is counterproductive to its own ideological goal of an "open world". You can only have open borders and free immigration if there is no negative consequence for it in practice. Immigration must be managed in such a way that you only import people who are:
- Law abiding and well behaved
- Economically self sufficient in a high skill economy like Sweden either now or in the foreseeable future (like university students and those who need to translate occupation permits), which also means they need a minimum of education, this to prevent a dependent underclass from emerging (as we now have in Sweden)
- Have compatible cultural values (no honor/sharia culture, child or forced marriage, domestic violence, clan culture, genital mutilation, habits of corruption, ....)
- Learn the language fluently
- In my opinion, teach their 2nd generation children both to appreciate their country and to not speak with an exaggerated, self-segregating immigrant sociolect
These are all things I would expect a country to require of me if I were to immigrate, and it's all meritocratic.
But those things haven't exactly been implemented. They then make the already naive, incompetent immigration management worse by blaming the ensuing problems on "socioeconomic" factors, absolving those people and criminals of their agency. At the same time there are tons of people in those same factors who still behave well and not all ethnic groups behave the same, so how can you explain that? They can't... which is why unlike our neighbouring countries, it's taboo for ideological and face saving reasons to perform any research on it here. If you look at immigrants from east Asia, they are actually
underrepresented in crime compared to natives while other immigrant backgrounds and their descendants from MENA and Africa are both overrepresented... and I say this as someone whose own father is an immigrant from Gambia. And then you have the criminal justice system which is overburdened with cases that it mostly fails to solve due to a staffing shortage on all levels from the field to the courts, and thinks that the criminals are the victims.
All of this risks escalating the seeds of social conflict so it becomes a society at war with itself like elsewhere... that's what I don't want.