So many men are stuck in a living hell of ruminating about looks and being totally ripped. This is the ultimate dancing monkey paradigm. It’s often all for the sake of submitting to her frame, and it is the equivalent of women who cake on way too much makeup.
It seems reasonable to me for a man to make himself as fit as possible and present himself as well as he reasonably can. That’s all he needs to check off the “looks” box with 80% of women.
Women look mostly to see if a man takes care of himself. For many women (I would even say the majority), the body builder type is a turn-off. It conveys insecurity to them (too much caring about their appearance). Plus these guys are intimidating to many of them.
A moderately muscular, triangle frame is certainly the sweet spot in terms of most women attracted, and that is within the possibility of most men to attain.
Far too much attention and angst is applied to looks. It’s SOOOOO easy to look better than the “competition”. Be reasonably fit, wear nice clothing (no need for expensive...just neat), clean shoes (MASSIVELY important to women), and you’ve handled the looks department.
Don’t waste your life in angst about looks. Women aren’t that picky. Looks matter to a reasonable degree, but women perceive men as a total package, not looks alone. I can tell you straight out that I’m with a solid 9, and I’m no 9. She tells me virtually every single day that I’m “beautiful”, because the colors that are on my pallet all combine into a beautiful painting for her. I look okay, but other aspects of my personality and the way I present myself combine to ramp me up to a 9 in her eyes.
Just be fit, dress nicely, and you will find an abundance of women who are initially quite interested. What more can a man want? There’s a lot to be said for an average looking guy to be walking around with an 8 on his arm, and that’s entirely possible.
I strongly believe that this shows the world that you’re a man who pays attention to fitness, but is not obsessed it consumed by it.
For men, the woman’s looks is everything. For women, it’s the whole package, and it’s how she feels when she’s around you.