People have said that the only type of love is unconditional love. Based on that definition I have never loved a person before. The only exception being my mother. When you make marriage vows it says "for richer and poorer, sickness and health etc". That describes unconditional love. How many couples really ruminate on this before they get married? Not many. I will not get married until I meet the female that I would love even if they had 3rd degrees burns all over their body and were a paraplegic.
Men and women are very conditional "lovers". Men are conditional to a lesser degree. If your girlfriend starts to become obese we often start to fall out of " love" with her. Once the looks fade our feelings also fade. Once your status and money fade, your woman's feelings for you also fade. Unconditional love among romantic partners was probably an unrealistic ideal from the start.
I was prompted to write this because I had a convo with a female friend. She is sticking with her man even though he just got multiples DUI and his life is messed up right now. She wants a marriage ring out of it. I told her lets see if you can stick with a man unconditionally for 10 yrs or more. Then you deserve a ring....maybe.
Men and women are very conditional "lovers". Men are conditional to a lesser degree. If your girlfriend starts to become obese we often start to fall out of " love" with her. Once the looks fade our feelings also fade. Once your status and money fade, your woman's feelings for you also fade. Unconditional love among romantic partners was probably an unrealistic ideal from the start.
I was prompted to write this because I had a convo with a female friend. She is sticking with her man even though he just got multiples DUI and his life is messed up right now. She wants a marriage ring out of it. I told her lets see if you can stick with a man unconditionally for 10 yrs or more. Then you deserve a ring....maybe.