this is ridiculous. there was some photoshop used as well (quite common in photographers industry)
but man, when richard posted his pics it looked so bad, no woman would swipe right.
then he went for 2 or more photographers sessions, choosed best pics, and he looked like 7/10 on these (or 6/10)
(thats someone who never cares about haircut, wasnt born with great face genetics and never stepped on gym, and probably was first time carefully buying clothes)
afaik he got laid few times after that from tinder.
really photogrpaher sessions are everything
but man, when richard posted his pics it looked so bad, no woman would swipe right.
then he went for 2 or more photographers sessions, choosed best pics, and he looked like 7/10 on these (or 6/10)
(thats someone who never cares about haircut, wasnt born with great face genetics and never stepped on gym, and probably was first time carefully buying clothes)
afaik he got laid few times after that from tinder.
really photogrpaher sessions are everything