And they did it all without a single slave! White people build the railroads all by themselves, too, damn Chinese indentured servants didn't lift a finger to help.
That had Irish slaves. And Chinese railroad workers, but those Chinese people were better off here than if they stayed. There were also white people who weres railroad workers just like the Chinese. Someone other white people would have built the railroads if there was no Chinese people.
Poor white people in the US were treated like slaves too.
While not as smart as Asians, and not as strong and fast as Africans, white people have another very beneficial characteristic: low time preference, meaning they are willing to defer gratification and suffer temporarily in order to create a better, more prosperous future. This is why white people build objectively the best societies, which have the best culture, the best art, and the best laws.
White people are curious, adventurous and restless, never content with their accomplishments, however great they might be. They have the desire to discover, know and master all things, and the willingness to pay the costs which are necessary to get there. White people love challenges and take pleasure in solving problems.
White people have a strong sense of justice, and value rationality, honesty and integrity. White standards of ethics are universal (which is, unfortunately, often confused with egalitarianism, belief in which is a huge defect of white people). Generally, white people will grant to others the same rights they grant themselves. This is why almost all of the moral philosophy comes from white people and this is why white people were the first and only race to recognise the immorality of slavery and to end it. White people are benevolent, compassionate, merciful and altruistic. They hate to see others suffer, they are charitable, and kind even to animals. This is also the biggest weakness of white people: they are naive and very susceptible to guilt and manipulation.
Slavery existed long before white people and still continues today. Why is it only wrong when white people do it?
.Perpetrated largely on Europeans, and within in-land routes to indigenous European inhabitants. These peoples were systematically preyed upon and turned into slaves, acquired by
Barbary pirates during
slave raids on ships and by raids on coastal towns from
the Netherlands, as far north as
Iceland and in the eastern shores of the