Change the principles 1st. It will override the core values.
A man’s out. I do know from experience that getting even myself to see it. The layers of crap had to come off.
It’s like a document I was reading about Christopher Columbus. The real man behind the expedition was his first mate. A bold, decisive man.
When they landed on one of the islands the villagers, using sign language, kept asking where they had come from. They could not see how Christopher had rowed out of nowhere in the small dingy boats and landed on the beach.
The Spaniards kept pointing to the three sailing ships out in the bay anchored. The villagers didn’t get it. Finally the first mate figured it out.
The villagers didn’t have the capacity to see the ships. The Nina, Pinta and the Santa Maria.
So the first mate grabbed the shaman by the arm and led him down to the water’s edge and made him look down his arm as he pointed to the Nina.
The shaman strained and puzzled over it, trying to see something that wasn’t there. Finally the shaman saw the sailing ship. Then he saw the other two. He was flabbergasted and mystified because he couldn’t understand that they were actually sailing ships. All he knew were dugout boats they fished out of.
The shaman then started pointing at the ships and chattering away in their island language. Soon everyone saw them. Despite the fact that they were fairly close and stood out like sore thumbs.
Something outside of one’s reality is much harder to see. Those villagers were blinded by their reality. They couldn’t see the ships.