Thought so. I like Manila as well. Fun place.Some of my interactions in foreign lands.
1. Bus stop in Bangkok, I randomly strike up a conversation with a girl that has a group of friends abt her and asked if she speaks English, proceed 2 ask her for directions, she was helpful pointing and explaining, she asked if im a tourist, she made some small talk, i just gave a non committal smile then handed over my business card, smiled and walk off towards my hotel.
2. Passing by a bus stop in Metro Manila, saw this university girl wearing a worn and torn off jeans busy with her hp, felt like doing something good (well, she's cute and pretty), proceeded to drop off some $$ on her lap and told her to get a new one (everything is cheap there) - little did I know that's the current fashion then, the expression on my face must have made an impression as she smiled broadly, giggled and seemed truly bemused, I just nodded, raised an eyebrow, smiled and gave her my business card, not saying a single word I walked away.
In both instances, they initiated contact.
Just let them decide.
The interaction is the key. What we think is the senior data.