The following tip is nothing new or groundbreaking. However, there are some "DJ" basics that I think need to be reiterated.
Recovering "AFC"s should never call a girl in less than four days. Period. Old School. Set In Stone. No Exceptions.....not yet anyway.
Anti-Dump made this rule an uncomprimising part of his "Don Juan Pledge of Honor". And to this day, it provides necessary shock therapy for recovering "AFC"s. However, AD's advice is not without its shortcomings. The rule to wait four days before calling a woman remains a good rule, however that doesn't change my opinion that AD's reasoning behind the rule is severely flawed.
A better explanation for why newbies should wait four days to call is given by, ironically, a female poster. She was one of the most respected gals to have ever posted here, and is my personal all-time favorite female "DJ". Rebel Leader states:
Recovering "AFC"s should never call a girl in less than four days. Period. Old School. Set In Stone. No Exceptions.....not yet anyway.
Anti-Dump made this rule an uncomprimising part of his "Don Juan Pledge of Honor". And to this day, it provides necessary shock therapy for recovering "AFC"s. However, AD's advice is not without its shortcomings. The rule to wait four days before calling a woman remains a good rule, however that doesn't change my opinion that AD's reasoning behind the rule is severely flawed.
The problem with AD's reasoning is that it focuses exactly on what a man should NOT be focusing on...WHAT THE WOMAN THINKS! This flawed reasoning teaches newcomers to remain reactionary to the whims of women that they are infactuated with, unknowingly reinforcing the same pathetic behavior that AD claimed to be so strongly against. A vicious cycle indeed. AD was spot on with his rule to wait four days to call. But through the above reasoning, AD also contradicted himself big time. Perhaps it was just motivation to get us to follow his advice religiously and/or join his fan club. In any case, the contradiction remains.(By calling the next day) You are telling the woman you have no other girls in your life. That you are a lonely guy and that you have no LIFE! She must wonder if she will be the one you ask out next week. (She must think that) YOU HAVE TO THINK ABOUT IT AND COMPARE HER TO OTHER WOMEN and make a decision. That's what she must think.
A better explanation for why newbies should wait four days to call is given by, ironically, a female poster. She was one of the most respected gals to have ever posted here, and is my personal all-time favorite female "DJ". Rebel Leader states:
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