While you’re posting in no contact threads looking for emotional support from your bros she’s either getting railed by Chad(s), the guy she cheated on you with and getting support from her many orbiters on FB, online dating apps where Chad’s are hitting her up and getting her number. She gets hit on daily out and about. You on the other hand are counting the days online hoping and coping she misses you. Your weak attempt at a takeaway in no contact means little to her because if it meant much she wouldn’t have dumped you in the first place. For every no contact post you make she’s got hit on twice no matter how crazy she may be. Every reply you get in no contact? She’s got a number from some guy on OLD.
She left? Move on to better things. No Contact should be one post. Gone. Done. Over. Moved on. Not some daily countdown otherwise you’re just coping.
She isn't posting in a No contact thread. So why are YOU?
She left? Move on to better things. No Contact should be one post. Gone. Done. Over. Moved on. Not some daily countdown otherwise you’re just coping.
She isn't posting in a No contact thread. So why are YOU?