It's not worth it. If you or anyone wants kids that bad and actually wants to give them a somewhat stable life, you can always go the surrogate route then find a woman to latch on, just not marry. Therefore, you take away the ability to get raped by divorce and child support. You retain 100% control of the child's well being, and when it's up, you kick the woman out
I don't have kids, don't want any, and at my age I certainly hope I don't get any. But I can understand why a guy would want some.
But I don't know many guys who would want to raise a kid on their own. When I said some guys would like to have a family, that would include the wife. A single man raising kids is no better than a single woman raising kids. For the child's sake, I really think the traditional family is the best way to raise them. Unfortunately, the traditional family is becoming extinct.
I know many married bros, some dumb rich, others do not have a pot to piss in. Neither are happy.[/QUOTE]
I know guys who are happily married. They may not be in the majority, but they're there.
Marriage meant a woman was property initially. In 2018, marriage means a man is a woman's property
I hate to say it, but for marriage to work correctly, maybe the woman would almost
have to be property. However, if a man is going to be a leader, he should be a good leader. I see no indication here or elsewhere that men would treat women well or fairly under such a "property" arrangement.