Master Don Juan
There are some valid points here. However... the friendship is actually real. I never had alterior motives.Well....another case of the friendzone. It happens dude....it happens.
I'm in the minority here....cause I pretty much disagree with EVERYTHING EVERYONE has said. That is,at least in regards to how you should respond to this girl next time you see her.
See,you are in the friendzone. That's not something you can just waltz in and out of at will.
You can do whatever you want....you're more than welcome to try the suggestions other members have given. But to me,once you're friendzoned,that's IT. Game over,time to move on to the next girl. Not saying to never see her again,but stop trying to date/making things sexual with her.
I noticed how in a few posts,you mentioned something about her "mixed messages". Dude...that CRACKED ME UP.
Why? Cause YOU WERE THE ONE giving "mixed messages". One moment you're talking about what a "terrific friend" she'd be.....then two seconds later you're going on about how you want to "grab her and kiss her".
You were the one giving out mixed messages. That's why she ON MORE THAN ONE OCCASION kept trying to clarify. She was trying to get a STRAIGHT FORWARD answer,to make sure you two were both on the same page. That's why she kept going,"We're just friends....right?" "We're not dating.....right?" She kept saying that cause OF YOUR "mixed messages".
1: I mean,you "say" you only want to be friends,then all of the sudden,you're holding her hand,pretending to look at her ring.
2:You talk to her about the great friendship connection you two have,then 5 minutes later,when she spilt some wine on a blanket,you placed your hand on top of hers to "test the waters".
3:Her roommate claimed that all of your hangouts were dates and that you'd be expecting sex. She comes to you asking you if you were expecting sex from her,then you go,"Oh no.....no...of course not. Where'd you get a silly idea like that from? No...I'm not expecting sex out of you." Then you come back here...telling us you're thinking you should try to kiss her next time you see her,and tell her you didn't mean it when you said you just wanted to be friends.
You go back and try to kiss her,and/or tell her you didn't mean it when you said you just wanted to be friends,you'll 100% be making what her roommate said true. This girl will also feel STUPID cause she believed your "friends act",and will have to tell her roommate that she was right all along about you.
Yeah....a sticky situation,ain't it? And another thing.....
You've been told this over and over.........GO BY WHAT WOMEN DO.....not by what they say. Dude.....
STOP BELIEVEING THAT HORSESH1T LINE about her not wanting a relationship....or more importantly,that BS line about her "being hurt" from her last relationship and needing time to heal before dating again.
STOP BELIEVEING THAT SH1T. If that's true,then tell me something.......
What is Tinder? It's a DATING APP....right? If she's so hurt and needs all this time to recover before dating again,WHY is she on Tinder? She's MEETING GUYS AND GOING OUT WITH THEM.....ain't she? She met YOU there. If she's so hurt,why did she match you and agree to meet......shouldn't she have taken some time to recover and heal first,then once better,then start matching and meeting men?
Or does that make too much sense?
DON'T DO THIS. Just let it go. All you're going to do is make things akward and uncomfortable. She kept asking if you two were just friends and trying to clarify because you wouldn't lead. You wouldn't make a CLEAR DECISION about wanting either friendship or a sexual relationship,so she kept asking to get clarification.....and when YOU TOLD HER you wanted to just be friends,she likely felt she got it. You trying to kiss or go sexual now is gonna seem out of nowhere,take her by surprise...and likely weird her out.
The chick told you that you reminded her of her FATHER. She doesn't want to make out with her dad.
It's over with. You screwed it up by not being upfront and hiding your true feelings behind a fake friendship.
And before you tell me your friendship with her isn't fake,that's likely what SHE is going to think. The second you try to kiss her,her roommate's words ABOUT YOU are going to come to her mind,and she'll likely think your whole "friendship" and all the time you've "hung out" together was all a ploy to get her into bed.........
and she'd BE RIGHT.
Have I been confused on the interactions? Yes. More-so because I entered that interaction on the basis of just getting out. It was a hike. Not the best place to be sexual and keno while out of breath.
In the start I wasn’t wanting to jump her bones and I actually told one of my other friends and dad “I made a really good friend, I think and it’s really cool, and it’s just platonic, it’s refreshing; because I’m not even ready for a relationship”
After a few hangouts I started to look at things in a different light based on how she was acting; her supportive words, offering me water from her bottle after mine had been sitting in the sun, etc. Very sweet and thoughtful things a friend wouldn’t really do. And many things that screamed kindness and thoughtfulness which to me is true beauty.
And I have not been expecting sex in the least. I expect nothing from no one. It’s not a trade deal like: “I do these things and they have to put out!” That’s cheap. So when that thought it hypothesis was brought up, that’s when I threw a wall up and denied we were more than friends because that thought was vomit inducing and cheated my integrity as a man; Her roommate thinking I’m only being a great person because I want in her pants, because that’s what SHE has only experienced (this is a chick who hangs out and still sexes her ex bf; so a huge projection and trying to sobotage my image in the Italian woman’s mind - because a great guy doesn’t exist; they’re all the same UGH SMH)
Like I said, had the conversation arisen and she said ‘do you like me more than a friend?’ From a genuine interest of her own, I would have totally said yes and been real. Because it would have came more natural from her own mind.
But when it’s just on a sexual note and spoken from a third persons mind, and all the other cultivating which had been done is out the window, I was partly offended as it missed the story of her and my evolution to that point.
Can you blame me? Maybe
Could I have still been real? Yes
Is it somewhat of a delicate situation? Yes
Do I care that she is not totally healed? Yes, because that could have ramifications upon her and my intimacy if I chose to be exclusive with her at a not so distant point if it was on the table.
Sometimes in life we can’t always prepare for unexpected things such as these and hone perfectly how we will act - like a meme on a motivation page via Instagram. At the end of the day we’re humans and weary of being vulnerable in situations you actually want. I messed up once by saying ‘we’re just friends’ but I don’t believe that cannot be unwound on the next ‘date’ which is on Saturday.
In all other aspects, I’ve been close to perfect. Everything is still in place. I just messed up with my words for 30 minutes. But.. humans. She messed up by bringing her roommate in it, and I mirrored it by messing up myself. Not a big deal.
On Saturday I’m going in for the kiss. And if I get rejected, I get rejected. If I confused her and still kiss, whatever.. emotions, love, relationships, flings, they’re always confusing and the most challenging. Nothings as simple as the DJ bible makes it out to be. Because even if you disregard women’s words, you still have to believe them and discerning fact from fiction while life is constantly happening around us it’s extrenly complicated, especially when you’re evaluating your own emotions.
I digress
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