So the question now becomes, should you reach out? If you should reach out, how much time should go by before you reach out?
@lizardking82 thoughts?
Depends on what day he had the date, still, I wouldn't try planning it much here, just go for it naturally. Wait 3-4 days, whe she crosses your mind again, say hi through text and if the flow feels right, invite out on a second date.
Again, on a first date and practically any date, you should lead the situation. Band started playing suddenly? Your planning mistake. Take chicks to places you know. You start exploring new places with a chick you already bang or have sth with so that even if the band starts playing suddenly or some other thing happens, you take it outside and have a walk and chill out and bang or whatever you wanna do. First few times you go out you wanna be in your own territory, at least since you're in the first few steps.
If you had the date tonight or last night, wait until Tuesday or Wednesday lunch time and text her sth in the lines of "Hey sweetie, was grabbing lunch just now and you crossed my mind. What you up to, how's the day going?" This is what I would do.
What you should do is what you feel like. That is the only way you learn.