LTR Market Is Trash Debate (Continued)

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May 25, 2017
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Florida, USA
Don't you find it interesting that, that alone is enough to trigger some people? It almost like they miss what they were saying and focus on that very point.......

No. Reykhel is simply pointing out her fraudulent nature. her nastiness. remember this is a website for men. women are now for some reason permitted and we must point out their disgusting behavior when it reveals it's ugly head...

don't you think?
RichardTheFrog agrees.

We should point out their disgusting behavior not only on this site, but in the real world. Girls act and think in ways 24/7 that if a guy acted/thought that way, they would get their a$$ beat every day. But unfortunately, I don't think just a few red pillers can change the world.

Put it this way, if you met a girl in real life and asked her what she did for fun and she told you she went on, would you think she was the biggest loser ever?
May 25, 2017
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Florida, USA
When a woman can just get full cuwtody2 without the consent of the father and then get paid for it. And NO woman should be getting 13k a month. Not even 5k a month. That's insane.

Single mothers shouldn't be able to just freely spend the money without the fathers consent either. How many single mothers do you think are responsible? I man they're single mothers in the first place, that right there tells you a lot. Either they're whorves and or mentally deficient.

Sure a man should have to provide for children he can see regularly and consented to have in the first place.(if it was an accidental pregnancy and he didnt want to keep it, she should be on her own. No welfare either, your body, your choice YOUR problem
But if the father wants custody, the court will allow it as long as it's in the best interest of the child.
May 25, 2017
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Florida, USA
And she could lie and cry and make false claims easily. She doesnt have to prove them. If she doesn't respect him or is resentful she will have no problem lying and rationalizing it to herself. She's a woman.
I think the courts are fairer than you give them credit for.
May 25, 2017
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Florida, USA
How would you know
@Amante Silvestre is a good example.

I've read the statutes. There are no laws that say "females get this."

The laws say "best interest of child."

I have a lot of experience with courtrooms and have always found judges to be pretty fair.

I got locked up for 4 years for making perceived death threats to a girl and I didn't find that unfair.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2008
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Los Angeles
Women have more power than they have ever had, so that's why the market is trash.

A person's true character comes through when they are in a position of power. I maintain my claim that women aren't bad people but rather they are just inferior to men. Things like foresight, responsibility, common sense, morality and logic go out the window with them now that they are "liberated". They weren't built for this. A good example would be if you put a dog in a room with a steak. You cannot expect that the dog won't eat the steak and you simply can't get mad at it for doing so.

I'm not angry with women. I just see them for what they are now. But the sad truth is that maintaining an LTR or entering into a marriage with a woman is simply bound to dissapoint you in today's environment. 3 of my good friends from childhood are now married. 2 of them were very confident alpha type guys and the other one was blue pill through and through his whole life. I cannot believe how these women they have "settled down" with treat them. The attitude and lip these guys put up with is incredible. And these women believe deep down in their heart that they have every right to act this way.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
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Hoe County, California


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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“Urbanyst” said:
That's why I can see right through the long essays of steaming cow sh*t posted by people like @BeExcellent and ]@guru1000 and laugh my ass off at the childish fantasy blue pill pipe-dream it is lol.
How could you see when you can’t read?

You try to type like PoonKing, but all your positions are juvenile, binary, emotional regurgitations of the SoSuave scorned and bitter. You’re either a scorned lesbian or a castrated caricature of a man.


Jan 28, 2017
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The City
How could you see when you can’t read?

You try to type like PoonKing, but all your positions are juvenile, binary, emotional regurgitations of the SoSuave scorned and bitter. You’re either a scorned lesbian or a castrated caricature of a man.

A highly emotional rant of insults and put-downs.

Very "mature" @guru1000

How much of an ass do you make of yourself when you call someone "juvenile" while acting juvenile yourself lol.

Everyone knows your brain doesn't process FACTS. That's why your posts are so stupid. To you.. FACTS mean "scorned and bitter". Because you cannot accept harsh realities.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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A highly emotional rant of insults and put-downs.

Very "mature" @guru1000

How much of an ass do you make of yourself when you call someone "juvenile" while acting juvenile yourself lol.

Everyone knows your brain doesn't process FACTS. That's why your posts are so stupid. To you.. FACTS mean "scorned and bitter". Because you cannot accept harsh realities.
Urbanyst can dish it but can’t take it, heh

Notice your use of “harsh realities.”

My reality is sweet. Yours is harsh. Perhaps, you could understand this as it’s a binary thought.

Stay bitter bitter-man.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
Urbanyst can dish it but can’t take it, heh

Notice your use of “harsh realities.”

My reality is sweet. Yours is harsh. Perhaps, you could understand this as it’s a binary thought.

Stay bitter bitter-man.
Reality is not "sweet" or "harsh". Reality is just REALITY.

Once again.. FACTS are lost on you lol.

I say "harsh" to put your weak stomach into context. These realities are not harsh to me. Only to you.


Jun 23, 2014
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IMO, it is quite the contrary. The truth usually resides somewhere in between, meaning the two sides you have presented here are both right in some ways and both wrong in others.

The "LTR market" is not some stand alone facet in which all circumstances will always be the same. Higher quality women with less "baggage" will tend to be younger, but these women will also have many more options, higher hopes/expectations for their future, etc. This creates almost a sense of lower appreciation for higher quality men. When women get older and obtain that baggage, the value and appreciation for higher quality man skyrockets, but by this point, these women themselves are seldom worthy of it.

So, there is a time when the LTR 'Market" will be ideal for a top tier man while also being a trashy market. He will have his pick of the litter, but will find very few women worthy of selection.

There will also be a time when the value of a top tier man will be muddled in a "good market" by other top tier men who will be available to worthy women who have many options to choose from.

The bottom line is, there will ALWAYS be competition for the most valuable things in life. Nothing good comes easy. In light of this truth, there is no point in arguing over the current state of the market or whether it is better or worse for a top tier man, unless you're also willing to accept the possibility that being your best is a waste of time.
Your post hit on a number of points, but I will tell you that self-improvement in areas such as finances, looks, health, social interactions, mental health, emotional control, etc., should be pursued based on the direct benefits they provide themselves that are outside of the women/dating environment.

For example, improving your finances improves your life OVERALL. Women are just a side benefit of that, but I think that the LTR market and the STR market are just two completely different operations today.

- If you are a improved are going to clean up in the STR market.

- If you are an improved are going to find the LTR market has very few candidates that are even worth the time, energy, effort, and sacrifice (having to drop your other plates) to commit to. And that's NOT your fault. That's the fault of women on the MARKET.

There's a notion on here that we as men are not allowed to blame society, the market, etc., because that supposedly makes us "weak". But that's like saying we can become relaxed and careless about who runs our Government Departments because "markets don't matter, only my individual choices do". We ALL know that makes no sense, but yet, some guys are trying to apply that LOGIC to this discussion.

We as men have sat back and allowed feminism, liberation, and gynocentrism to completely and utterly fvck up our families and fvck up the LTR market. We have allowed men to be fvcked over in Family Courts. We have the POWER....literally at any fvcking put an END to all of the bullshyt. All of the games, all of the flakes, all of the mental gymnastics, all of the shyt tests, all of the baby momma shyt, all of the gold-digging shyt, all of the divorce shyt, all of the alimony shyt.....ALL OF IT......but we refuse to do so. We refuse to FIGHT BACK.

We have become submissive supporting actors, operating in this retarded "system" women have set up and literally SHAMING other men who are not "succeeding" in this retarded fvcking system that women have setup. It makes no sense whatsoever.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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Reality is not "sweet" or "harsh". Reality is just REALITY.

Once again.. FACTS are lost on you lol. I say "harsh" to put your weak stomach into context. These realities are not harsh to me. Only to you.
Your reality is that the LTR market is garbage.

My reality is the LTR market is great.

Your facts differ from mine, specifically why 1) your LTRs never surpass one year; 2) LTR quality women are abundant to me and scarce to you; 3) you’re bitter.

Just because your reality feels harsh does not equate to everybody’s reality feeling harsh.

Quid Pro Quo

This means something for something. It also means your bitterness transmutes into bitter results. If I have no desire to chat with you as bitterness oozes out of each sentence, do you think women couldn’t sniff you out in person. Hence, why great LTRs are scarce to you.

Naive is the man who thinks he has everything but has nothing. Hence, the Urbanyst:

1) He makes 100-150k per year and thinks he is rich;

2) He never posted a pic of himself, his women, or his life so he could be a keyboard jockey;

3) He professes to have banged a few 9s and as a result thinks he has knowledge of “game”;

Even IF all you said about yourself were true, you have achieved about 5% of my reality ... 10 years ago.

You’re in the wrong arena friend. Go play somewhere else.


Jan 28, 2017
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The City
We have become submissive supporting actors, operating in this retarded "system" women have set up and literally SHAMING other men who are not "succeeding" in this retarded fvcking system that women have setup. It makes no sense whatsoever.
Woman have turned their weakness into strength.

It is supported by men who care more about looking macho and bullet proof than being treated justly in the world.

If guys see themselves as less important than women.. and women see themselves as more important than men.. its easy to assume our laws, culture and justice system will reflect that in every way lol.

A man is only "important" if he has accomplished something significant. A woman is important just for existing. In the news.. a missing woman is a big deal. A missing man gets shrugs unless he is "important" like a celeb, athlete or an executive. And even then.. he might still get shat on if he made "bad decisions" that lead to his situation.

Its why I harp on MONEY so much. If you're a man who hasn't accomplished jack sh*t in your life.. most people (and women) will just see you as a sh*t stain no one cares about. I observe how low level men are treated in our culture compared to low level women and its pretty f*cked up.


Jun 23, 2014
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Your reality is that the LTR market is garbage.

My reality is the LTR market is great.

Your facts differ from mine, specifically why 1) your LTRs never surpass one year; 2) LTR quality women are abundant to me and scarce to you; 3) you’re bitter.

Just because your reality feels harsh does not equate to everybody’s reality feeling harsh.

Quid Pro Quo

This means something for something. It also means your bitterness transmutes into bitter results. If I have no desire to chat with you as bitterness oozes out of each sentence, do you think women couldn’t identify this in person. Hence, why great LTRs are scarce to you.

Naive is the man who thinks he has everything but has nothing. Hence, the Urbanyst:

1) He makes 100-150k per year and thinks he is rich;

2) He never posted a pic of himself, his women, or his life so he could be a keyboard jockey;

3) He professes to have banged a few 9s and as a result thinks he has knowledge of “game”;

Even IF all you said about yourself were true, you have achieved about 5% of my reality ... 10 years ago.

You’re in the wrong arena friend. Go play somewhere else.
@Urbanyst one thing you have to realize with this Guru person....that I've come to that when it comes to discussing ANYTHING with him, he's an expert at smoke and mirrors (basically, a B.S. Artist). You see @BeExcellent was actually being AUTHENTIC in her stances. She honestly believes in the Joel Osteen, be happy and happy things will come to you type of mentality.

This Guru person is just a smoke/mirrors/B.S. Artist. He will argue with you just to argue and literally flip his stances midway into the argument, just to literally continue arguing. Why? Well, because in his mind anybody who disagrees with him online has now become his ENEMY and Guru must find a "defeat" that person. Guru can never, will never, admit to losing an argument NOR even admit that the person he's arguing with has a POINT whatsoever. @Urbanyst if you want to test this out, tell Guru that the SKY is blue and watch he argues that the Sky isn't blue in some fashion.

Also if the LTR market for Guru were so great, why is he divorced? Why isn't he married? Why isn't he in an LTR right now? It's like a jobless person saying the job market is the BEST it's ever been. Of course Guru will then respond saying he can get into an LTR anytime he wants, of course, to continue arguing.

Also I've requested that Guru post pics of himself with any of these women he continually posts on the Board, he never does this. He will put random pics of foreign women on here, but never his face. He claims to be this MILLIONAIRE person, with no proof of that either. There's guys on this board that have actually seen my LinkedIn and know who I am...........I haven't ran into anybody on this site that knows who Guru is.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
Your reality is that the LTR market is garbage.

My reality is the LTR market is great.

Your facts differ from mine, specifically why 1) your LTRs never surpass one year; 2) LTR quality women are abundant to me and scarce to you; 3) you’re bitter.

Just because your reality feels harsh does not equate to everybody’s reality feeling harsh.

Quid Pro Quo

This means something for something. It also means your bitterness transmutes into bitter results. If I have no desire to chat with you as bitterness oozes out of each sentence, do you think women couldn’t sniff you out in person. Hence, why great LTRs are scarce to you.

Naive is the man who thinks he has everything but has nothing. Hence, the Urbanyst:

1) He makes 100-150k per year and thinks he is rich;

2) He never posted a pic of himself, his women, or his life so he could be a keyboard jockey;

3) He professes to have banged a few 9s and as a result thinks he has knowledge of “game”;

Even IF all you said about yourself were true, you have achieved about 5% of my reality ... 10 years ago.

You’re in the wrong arena friend. Go play somewhere else.

DIVORCED man says: "My reality is the LTR market is great" LOL.

DIVORCED man says: "LTR quality women are abundant to me and scarce to you" while DIVORCED man continues to stay unmarried.

Obviously your standards for a LTR are very low compared to mine. And even with your rock bottom standards.. you remain unmarried.

Case closed really. FACTS always win the day.

Have I told you you're hilarious? Consider a career in stand-up comedy.


Jun 23, 2014
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I don't disagree with that, but you put an end to it by not participating in the bvll****.

You can argue that the idea that the "markets don't matter, only my individual choices do" is a flawed perception, but it is each man who must make this choice for himself in order for the grand effect to have any hope. When enough men do so, collectively, the market itself must change and adapt to it.

Many women you complain about will find themselves very unhappy when they are forced to deal with men who are perfectly happy in being single.
Correct now the question do we get enough men to wake up? The system won't change if only Tenacity and a couple other guys are doing this, as the "system" will just label us "weirdos and wackos". But when more and more men are doing this, now we can get change.

I honestly think the current Generation is lost. Our only hope is the upcoming Generation, including the change of laws for them as well.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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DIVORCED man says: "My reality is the LTR market is great" LOL.

DIVORCED man says: "LTR quality women are abundant to me and scarce to you" while DIVORCED man continues to stay unmarried.

Obviously your standards for a LTR are very low compared to mine. And even with your rock bottom standards.. you remain unmarried.

Case closed really. FACTS always win the day.

Have I told you you're hilarious? Consider a career in stand-up comedy.
When did "marriage" become the gauge of LTR success, quality, and ease?

A man who stays married has had LTR success with one women. I have LTR successes with many.

Your presupposition is grounded on women leaving you, because this has been your experience. Women leave Urbanyst, hence Urbanyst's LTR market is crap and a divorced man is assumed to be left as well.

Newsflash: Women don't leave me. I leave them. Hence why my LTR market is great.

And you cry my standards are rock bottom. LOL. I have shown my women.

Now show yours. I'm waiting. But you won't. Because you're the fraud (not women).
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