OP is correct. He's simply on a different level to most.
The last time that I went full no-contact on a woman was really just to protect my own arse-ache and ego. And having her on no-contact was really keeping her on a pedestal.
So, what I did was to get a few plates. Work on my abundance. And I really didn't give a sh*t anymore for holding her to any sort of standard different than any other woman.
I decided to get the monkey off my back one night. Try and escalate it to sex, and treat her the same as any other woman in my rotation at the time.
Looked at her Facebook, and then started messaging her. Opening with:
"Why are you being stroppy on facebook, Mrs [Polish name that I purposely mangled for some comedy]?.
Which was a push (something I didn't do enough of in the set prior). She replied (which I didn't expect), we went back and forth, but then she ghosted on my escalation.
And there you were. I was free of it. Never been bothered about her since. Because I finally treated her like a plate, instead of projecting silly white-knight sh*t onto her.
On having a woman do something that greatly displeases you (kiss another guy, or whatever), try this for a completely different dynamic, spank her.
This is the frame of amused mastery. Of a man that is on the level.
The frame of the provider, serial-monogamist, beta, is to "break up with no contact!". Fvck that. That's about protecting your ego.
And if she is truly being an annoying stupid b1tch, then there will be no need for "no-contact", as I haven't needed it in fvcking ages either. You'll actually be naturally done with her, rather than try to pretend you are through playing silly "no-contact" games.
Challenge your inner white-knight, instead of keep coming up with silly ways to protect and nurture it.