Essentially we're dealing with a double edge sword here. It's often preached on this site to set boundaries, hold the frame, put your woman in her place, etc. but the FACT of the matter is that most women will dump your ass for doing that because they are getting so much male attention and have a-lot of options AND a-lot of tremendously f*cked up ideas in their head about what a healthy relationship and dynamic is between a man and a woman, romantically. She won't think "Oh he's the MAN and sets the rules and I'm so turned on by his ability to act like the MAN", etc. What she'll actually think, at least after normalcy and comfortability has set in in your LTR is "How dare he treat me like this. I am a WOMAN! I have rights and am not his lesser than. I'll show him". This is especially true if she perceives you as higher value than she is. She'll only obey and submit as long as she has those butterflies about you. Once that's gone, she'll still walk.
They've been conditioned to act this way by the last 60ish years of society because of feminism. They will intentionally throw a good relationship and a high value man down the drain to prove a point. It is TERRIBLY sad but I'd rather be the guy that has his woman leave him because he won't budge on his principles than one of these betas that OP is describing. I've got two "managers" at my current job who both joked the other day about how they didn't get the new apartment they wanted and went, instead, with what their girlfriends wanted. One's reasoning was because one of the apartments didn't have enough space for HER shoes. These are guys in the prime of their lives (late 20s, making close to 6 figures and are throwing it all down the drain for these hag women who are getting ready to settle down after riding the CC for the past several years. One look at their FB proves that these women have settled on these men.
I agree 100%. Case in point review my OP from a couple weeks back:
Bottom line: Went exclusive with a HB9.5 after she came on strong and really pushed for it. I'd known her for a while and we had a lot of fun, lot's of good chemistry etc., so why not. A short time later I called her out for very bad behavior after she had a nuclear meltdown and flew into a jealous rage at the dog park because I merely LOOKED at another woman. I walked home alone after she wouldn't walk with me. When she did come home 5 minutes after I did, she changed into nicer clothes she initially came over with, said she didn't need a ride as she could get one, wasn't interested in anything I had to say and walked out. I let her walk and didn't chase. I assume she changed into nicer clothes because one of her beta orbiters met her somewhere and gave her a ride.
So far it's been NC by her and me for three weeks. I suspect now we will never talk again. Despite the high value I continually demonstrated and she validated along with the very high interest level she had (it was off the charts until this episode), she left me
to prove a point, rather than apologize and try to work things out as the OP states.
So per
@btownbuck2012 post, my exgf, the HB9.5, chose a beta over me (I assume as I haven't heard from her) because I called her out for bad behavior (I mean she literally stood there with her mouth open in dismay when I did it--like no man ever
dared to do this before) and hasn't called to apologize--just to prove a point.
So if women are naturally attracted to more confident, DJ, non-s*it taking men, who stand up for themselves, why do they leave these men (me) and choose the beta--the supplicating she-male who gives into every demand and dares not to cross them?
Makes no sense. A woman of value
CANNOT be satisfied with a guy like this.
So the theory goes: Man dates hot HB9-10. Man acts DJ. Woman becomes wildly attracted. Woman misbehaves or **** tests DJ. DJ, being a DJ calls out woman for bad behavior. Woman says "How dare you! I always get what I want! Plus, with all the dating apps available I have MANY options and orbiters right now, GOODBYE!" Woman runs to beta--because he's always there. Woman eventually gets sick of beta because he's such a wuss. Woman meets a DJ and falls for him because he's a real MAN. And the cycle repeats...