Thorninmyside said:
we advise people against saying stupid s*** everyday on this forum. Why are you so proactive about this one?
Tactics (a/k/a dos and dont's) are for PUA sites. SoSuave is about encouraging MEN to build real value.
taiyuu_otoko said:
All value is subjective. All people value themselves above all. Therefore everybody always holds the frame.
SMV is quantitative, and although not statistically unequivocal, can be reliably measured and applied.
Working examples:
A 9 can attract many 7s and 8s.
A 2 cannot attract many 5s and 6s.
taiyuu_otoko said:
In order to get a number from a girl you need to something besides think about it (unless you're like that dude Kilgrave on Jessica Jones). Among all the several courses of actions you could take, there are some actions that are too much and some actions that are too little.
You aren't going to get her number if you whiz on by living "authentically" (whatever the fvck that means...
Contradiction in your example, is it not? If you want the number, and are authentic, you will ask for it. When you don't ask for the number and want it, you are inauthentic. When you ask for the number enough times, you build social acumen.
taiyuu_otoko said:
(If all pedophiles lived authentically the neighborhood kids would be in big trouble...)
How do you know they are operating from authenticity? The argument could be made that pedophiles feel socially rejected and find relieve in people who are not socially aware. In this regard, they evade their authenticity.
But, I don't know the mind of a pedophile to speculate. So do share