Observations from bouncing at a club.


Aug 19, 2015
Reaction score
You are a wanna be intellectual with racist undertones. I followed this thread and watched your other interactions. YOU think to dam much and want folks to think of you as highly intelligent when you're not. Your attempt to leave a nice message at the end of your keyboard clacking is pathetic. Look at the photo that you are using as your avatar. It says it all about YOU. No response needed, which your over blown ego just won't be able to resist. Well have fun.
Go on then, they tell me that I shouldn't feed TROLLS, but I'm feeling generous so I'll give you the interaction that you so
desperately crave from Reykhel
. I know, it's ok. Daddy's here now.

So let's see, did Reykhel's big words offend you. Ahhh it's ok. I want you to know something....your lack of education which has
been triggered here and which you are projecting...is not your fault. Ok? It's not your fault. Cry if you feel like crying, nobody's going
to know. Nobody's going to judge you. It's a safe space. Let those tears fall.

You need to know something else.....your poor upbringing and your neglect as a child.....it's not your fault either. Your parents failed you, but you need to forgive them, they did their best. But it's not your fault. You need to put down the back of rocks that your carrying. Put it down and heal.

Good post Cola. Trainwreck is a COON.
I had to google exactly what was a coon. According to the this definition it's an INSULTING TERM FOR A BLACK PERSON

with racist undertones
Really? I think that may be more of your projections. You sound like a buffoon saying that Reykhel uses racist undertones and directly underneath you're screaming at a black person calling them a COON, which is an insulting term for a black person.

There's a really high probability that you hate yourself. I want you to heal, this is a safe space snowflake.

Probably a black trump supporter as well.

Low self esteem self hating blacks raised in the higher middle class neighborhoods...Taught by coonish parents.
Wow, someone is an angry, self loathing, little hypocrite aren't they. With a huge chip on their shoulder.

My, my......I hope you feel better after your trolling sessions.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
Again, based on what evidence. You keep repeating this but you have no evidence to support your claim.
Funny how your jimmies get rustled by the truth even Big Neil knows that the white man is king in the field.

Stop trolling me, you're coming of like an obsessed maggot, I'm getting tired of it

*Put's this scrotum nut hugger on the ignore list*


Aug 19, 2015
Reaction score
Funny how your jimmies get rustled by the truth even Big Neil knows that the white man is king in the field.

Stop trolling me, you're coming of like an obsessed maggot, I'm getting tired of it

*Put's this scrotum nut hugger on the ignore list*
That's ridiculous. He asks you a simple question......no attacks, no insults.........and you are that sensitive......

I notice that you attempt to insult him and then put him on ignore.......

Again, based on what evidence. You keep repeating this but you have no evidence to support your claim.
It seemed like a straightforward question wishing to discuss the matter.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
That's ridiculous. He asks you a simple question......no attacks, no insults.........and you are that sensitive......

I notice that you attempt to insult him and then put him on ignore.......

It seemed like a straightforward question wishing to discuss the matter.

The guy is obsessed with me, clearly you do not know our history

I have been gone from the forums for 4 years just to come back and have this guy stalk me again.

The guy is an exposed beta racists who use to get exposed on the daily basis and has been looking for revenge for 4 years.

4 years later still obsessed with me like an BPD ex-girlfriend who can't let go

So of course I wouldn't expect you to understand I have been on and off on this site for awhile, and the nut huggery by him is just annoying and awful.


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2016
Reaction score
Good post Cola. Trainwreck is a COON.

where to post images

Probably a black trump supporter as well.

Low self esteem self hating blacks raised in the higher middle class neighborhoods...Taught by coonish parents.

Ignore him. Not worth your time talking too. That type is LOST.
You are calling me a Coon because I'm one of the few to call out the Elephant in the room for the black race. Other races will never take black people seriously until we start having money. This means we will only be limited to white women like Miley Cyrus and Kim Kardashian. These type of women end up either waking up and going back to white men or lurking the corners of walmart with 4 single mixed kids with different dads. You are choosing to put the black race in a horrible position when you advocate and breed with these types of women. The vast majority of quality stable minded white women that are capable of producing stable productive families in the future don't want **** to do with black men because they see our poverty on TV, gang culture, crime, and etc. Again, nobody's going to take black people serious until we acquire MONEY!


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
You are calling me a Coon because I'm one of the few to call out the Elephant in the room for the black race. Other races will never take black people seriously until we start having money. This means we will only be limited to white women like Miley Cyrus and Kim Kardashian. These type of women end up either waking up and going back to white men or lurking the corners of walmart with 4 single mixed kids with different dads. You are choosing to put the black race in a horrible position when you advocate and breed with these types of women. The vast majority of quality stable minded white women that are capable of producing stable productive families in the future don't want **** to do with black men because they see our poverty on TV, gang culture, crime, and etc. Again, nobody's going to take black people serious until we acquire MONEY!
Bro do you live in Mississppi or some shyt?
I live in the midwest, in a city where interracial dating is quite common.
I see educated black men/working black men/broke black men do well with non-black women i.e. white
From girls that look like Jennifer Aniston (girl next door) To girls that look like Bella Hadid (models)
I highly recommend you travel more, you sound like one of those guys that hasn't been past his city much less his state


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
Reaction score
Humanity is divided in 2 kind of race:

1) Those who do

2) Those who don't

1) Those who win

2) Those who are eaten

Nightlife and ''the debate of the skincolour for alphaness'' can be summarized in those 2 simple points.

About night life: I always those who had dance skill, win the female attraction and those who made the much ''fun noise''


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
Again, based on what evidence. You keep repeating this but you have no evidence to support your claim.
Have you ever turned on your TV and noticed that most actors and actresses are white? In pop culture TV shows, when showing say a 'popular' girl or really attractive stud, they're always white. When looking at magazines on how to dress or which people are the best looking, they're almost always white, and if they are black or some other race, they are of very light skin tone resembling whites. The civil rights era may have ended, but there still is the social stigma of whites being superior when all other variables are equal. The thing is, it is not explicitly stated, only implied by society. And women, who do tend to have better social skills than men, pick up on that. Plus, we all know about the existence of hypergamy, which means that women will try to go for the best possible man they can find, and in this case it would be a white man over a non-white man.

Not to mention, women conform to what is expected of them rather than not, which means they will marry whoever society expects them to marry. This has existed for hundreds, if not thousands of years; families coming from royalty only marry other royal families, never lower (and this actually might be the basis of hypergamy and how it actually started tbh....). That being said, deviants are still around today and always have been. Part of it is the taboo aspect, another part is a woman's decision-making abilities, and then there is some other aspect that I can't identify. But usually they deviate towards someone who is of 'higher quality' in the 'lower classes' if that makes any sense (unless they are absolutely fvcked in the head and get off on the extreme end of things; these are usually the type of women who have gangbang rape fantasies and stuff like that though).


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2016
Reaction score
Bro do you live in Mississppi or some shyt?
I live in the midwest, in a city where interracial dating is quite common.
I see educated black men/working black men/broke black men do well with non-black women i.e. white
From girls that look like Jennifer Aniston (girl next door) To girls that look like Bella Hadid (models)
I highly recommend you travel more, you sound like one of those guys that hasn't been past his city much less his state
Jesus fvcking Christ, I'm going to fvcking say this one more time. Just because a woman is hot doesn't mean she's not trashy or mentally deranged. I see black men with hot white women all the time. Hell, my gf is white and hot. Regardless, black men go with the trash of other races which can include hot women. That single mom with 4 mixed kids with different dads could've been hot back in the day. Obviously being hot didn't make her quality worthy.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
Most actors and actresses are of the same race as the country the movie was made in.

So your point only applies in white countries.

Thus, if the argument is that white men do best with white girls in white countries, ok I could agree with that. But what else would you expect from a white country?

In Bollywood they are all Indian actors and actresses. In China they are all Chinese. In Korea they are Korean.

Basically the whining comes down to hating on white men for being successful with their own women in their own country. Or hating on white women who choose white men in a white country. It doesn't make white men the kings of pickup, it means races do best within their own race within their own country. So what?
Tell that to RangerMike. 'Women seek genetic diversity'. But I'm not sure if skin color also promotes other survivability traits tbh.


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2016
Reaction score
Most actors and actresses are of the same race as the country the movie was made in.

So your point only applies in white countries.

Thus, if the argument is that white men do best with white girls in white countries, ok I could agree with that. But what else would you expect from a white country?

In Bollywood they are all Indian actors and actresses. In China they are all Chinese. In Korea they are Korean.

Basically the whining comes down to hating on white men for being successful with their own women in their own country. Or hating on white women who choose white men in a white country. It doesn't make white men the kings of pickup, it means races do best within their own race within their own country. So what?
A white woman that refuses to date a black guy might consider an Asian or Hispanic. WHY? Because these races have money and a history of stability. No sane minded white girl is going to risk her reputation and future with a person below her standing. BTW my gf knows I'm an exceptional black man, so that's how I got her. People stigmatize black people because they continue to follow a toxic culture and take the jester role of the races. Want to stop being stigmatized? Quit idolizing O'Dawg and Chief Keef, focus on proving gainful employment to black men and women instead of aspiring to be illiterate millionaires, and quit swirling with the trash of other races and fix your own.

Think of this like your credit score. When you're credit is ****, the only companies that will lend to you are **** payday loan places and you'll get a higher interest rate. When you're credit is good then you'll get the good lenders with the lower interests rates and benefits.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
A white woman that refuses to date a black guy might consider an Asian or Hispanic. WHY? Because these races have money and a history of stability. No sane minded white girl is going to risk her reputation and future with a person below her standing. BTW my gf knows I'm an exceptional black man, so that's how I got her. People stigmatize black people because they continue to follow a toxic culture and take the jester role of the races. Want to stop being stigmatized? Quit idolizing O'Dawg and Chief Keef, focus on proving gainful employment to black men and women instead of aspiring to be illiterate millionaires, and quit swirling with the trash of other races and fix your own.

Think of this like your credit score. When you're credit is ****, the only companies that will lend to you are **** payday loan places and you'll get a higher interest rate. When you're credit is good then you'll get the good lenders with the lower interests rates and benefits.
Plenty of white women want to date thuggish black guys, even the high class white women. I've seen this many times. They want a guy with a huge penis and blacks are overall seen as very alpha. White girls in general never date asians even if the asians have money. If white women cared so much about money, Asian and Indian guys would be drowning in puss.


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2016
Reaction score
Plenty of white women want to date thuggish black guys, even the high class white women. I've seen this many times. They want a guy with a huge penis and blacks are overall seen as very alpha. White girls in general never date asians even if the asians have money. If white women cared so much about money, Asian and Indian guys would be drowning in puss.
Cause you are hanging out in environments where **** girls lurk. Go to bars where the wasps and preppy white kids hangout.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
I find it kind of sad, and a sign of how backwards our society has become, that being a bouncer is considered an "alpha" job these days. It used to be that "alphaness" was associated with great achievements, like being a scientist, general, poet, astronaut, whatever. How a job that involves checking ID's and throwing out drunks could be considered aspirational is beyond comprehension to me. I am not saying that there is anything wrong with being a bouncer if you are doing it as a part time job or if you have no other skills...just like there is nothing wrong with being a janitor or a garbageman. But I just don't see anything "alpha" about them.


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2016
Reaction score
Some girls will also date blacks but avoid asians.

Some will date blacks and avoid whites.

All for differest reasons.

I do agree with you that blacks as a group need to stop making excuses for thug culture as it brings the perception of their entire race down.
usually the girls that date blacks are trash doe


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2016
Reaction score
I find it kind of sad, and a sign of how backwards our society has become, that being a bouncer is considered an "alpha" job these days. It used to be that "alphaness" was associated with great achievements, like being a scientist, general, poet, astronaut, whatever. How a job that involves checking ID's and throwing out drunks could be considered aspirational is beyond comprehension to me. I am not saying that there is anything wrong with being a bouncer if you are doing it as a part time job or if you have no other skills...just like there is nothing wrong with being a janitor or a garbageman. But I just don't see anything "alpha" about them.
ugh I disagree. It depends on the girl. If the girl only has looks or has a thing for men to be below her then I can see that. However, if the girl has something in her life other than looks and grew up in a stable home then she's not going to want this. The outliers are college women because they are essentially high schoolers with more freedom.


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
Reaction score
Why is this so?
Because we look the same without being the same... it's safe

Why kids look like their mother in early stages of life? To reduce the risk of being eaten alive by ''competititor''

If you look the same, it means you have similar codes or from a similar group, belong to a ''race''... a group is more powerful than an individual culturally/life wise.

Since we all ''look'' the same... who has the strongest genes? The one stronger among the ''similar'', leader of the pack

Why is ''inbreeding'' frown upon? Cause it bottleneck your genes and weaken your blood