Subtitled: I'm the type of dumbas-s who wants to be in relationship on Facebook.This is a quote from the Psychology Today article
"Recent evidence suggests that people who are more satisfied in their romantic relationshipsare more apt to post an usie as a primary Facebook profile picture compared to those who are less satisfied (Saslow, Muise, Impett, & Dubin, 2013). In other words, a person’s profile picture can be a pictoral representation of relationship closeness. The act of having your own profile photo include a picture of your partner, suggests that your own self-concept includes your partner; presenting the “self” as an “us” in a profile picture correspond with satisfaction and closeness (Saslow et al., 2013).
If your profile picture contains you and you alone, this doesn’t mean you have an unhappy relationship. The broader context matters. Couples negotiate with each other to maintain a degree of privacy with which each member is comfortable (Zhao et al., 2012). This might mean refraining from posting couple photos or status updates that reference the partner or it might mean regularly posting content that affirms the relationship. Partners must strategically balance their own and their partners’ interests to show-off or keep private their relationship with outsiders’ (e.g., friends, relatives) desires to see pictures or hear updates that say something about the relationship. The selfie versus the usie may be just the tip of the ice-berg when learning to navigate relationship presentation online."
I believe when a girl doesn't put you in her profile pic (but maybe has for guys in her past,) there are three potential reasons:
1) she's not THAT crazy about you (you may be filling a blank for her) and she questions/doubts a longterm future with you
2) she's crazed for male attention and doesn't want to end that by including you in her profile pic
3) She wants to keep things "private"
Photos, yes. Their whole profile and every deliberation? You want to be in touch with her aunts and uncles??
Facebook is one of the least seductive, least romantic experiences. It's by definition average. We say what pleases the most people.
My gf has no Facebook and if she did I would never friend her. That's for exes.