What leads to certain race(s) of guys being undesirable to women in a society in the first place?


Feb 12, 2015
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I am not talking about the guy himself but what makes attractive women in a given society come together and turn against men of certain races.

Like I constantly hear on so suave that Indian men are the least desirable in many parts of western society and everyone hates them, heard that in other places too. It gives me the impression that with Indians, good looking women seemingly come together and decide that one race is going to be ignored.

It seems to play out in real life too because I never see Indian guys get hot girls of other races.

Then you have Hispanic guys and we seem to be disliked in a lot of the southwestern states.

Asian guys used to be associated with being undesirable to a lot of western women although I see that changing these days.

But my question is, what is the process behind all of this?

Like I feel that some PUA came out and said Asians and Indians are undesirable, everyone agreed, and then just went with it. I wonder what leads to all of that though.

I see @Urbanyst saying how Asian and Indian men are undesirable to women but I am talking more about how that actually came to be the case in the first place anyways, like how did society come together and decide or what made women come together and decided to see certain races as low value.

Even when PUAs throw out race as a "setback" and list certain races as "lower" races, how they determine all of that.

Is it all based on what race can get the most hot white girls?


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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In America, it's based on who is at the top of the food chain in American society. That has always (and most likely in our life time) will always be white men.

Then comes black men... only because we have a mystique of either high social status (overrepresented in athletics and entertainment), sexual rumors (big ****), or simply the interracial relationship being illegal, dangerous, and taboo for the first ~380 years since we got here.

Then comes everyone else. If only due to low(er) representation of the population, and not holding these high status stereotypes as white and black men.

As for what you can do.... be the best man you can. Women either like you or they don't. American women of every race except black women, overwhelmingly prefer white men. This is documented. Learn to deal with it.


Jun 23, 2014
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In America, it's based on who is at the top of the food chain in American society. That has always (and most likely in our life time) will always be white men.

Then comes black men... only because we have a mystique of either high social status (overrepresented in athletics and entertainment), sexual rumors (big ****), or simply the interracial relationship being illegal, dangerous, and taboo for the first ~380 years since we got here.

Then comes everyone else. If only due to low(er) representation of the population, and not holding these high status stereotypes as white and black men.

As for what you can do.... be the best man you can. Women either like you or they don't. American women of every race except black women, overwhelmingly prefer white men. This is documented. Learn to deal with it.
Bro I would say we (black men) are at the bottom of all races of men right now. Not just in dating but jobs, economics, Finances, credit, etc, etc


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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Bro I would say we (black men) are at the bottom of all races of men right now. Not just in dating but jobs, economics, Finances, credit, etc, etc

A clean cut black man with a good job and no record does well with all races of women. He won't get as high value as white man of the same status / income, but will get more looks than men of other minority races.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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A clean cut black man with a good job and no record does well with all races of women. He won't get as high value as white man of the same status / income, but will get more looks than men of other minority races.
He will have the talk/dark and handsome thing going on and the full animal
physical attraction. The other guys will have other things.


Jun 23, 2014
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A clean cut black man with a good job and no record does well with all races of women. He won't get as high value as white man of the same status / income, but will get more looks than men of other minority races.
I don't know bruh. The racism thing is still going on in a lot of ways today. A lot of non-black women will overlook black men entirely. There's even a movement amongst black women going on called Swirling where black women are deliberately overlooking black men for white men.

Black men are in last place today in everything.


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2017
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I believe the newer generations are pretty different. I've been with more women of different races than of my own. Personally I believe theres a more cultural approach to it. If you dress/act like you're foreign then you will have resistance no doubt. But act accordingly and stay up to date with society's standards of fashion and social cues and you'll be good.

My university is prodominately white guys, and being Indian I still break a hella a lot of necks from girls of different races, especially white women. Girls like what they're not used to (if he's not a creep or something)


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
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A lot of nationalities tend to group together and so have a lot of cultural differences which are hard to overcome.

Indians for example tend to always be in packs, it doesnt lend to intergration, and what a lot of indians dont get is that what Flys in their culture does not in western culture. (And if you have ever had a customer service job where you have dealt with them you'll instantly know what i mean)

The rub is it makes it difficult for intergrated indians because they have to get over that initial poor perception.

The other part is genetics and looks, asians and indians are less "blessed" generically, in general.

What i mean is the average white or black guy is going to be a lot bigger and stronger than the average indian or asian, that may sound racist but its just facts.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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I believe its a sum of factors.

1)The first one is the food chain in such country as eyebrolling said, if such country has leaders and ruling class of a certain race then that race is considered worthy more than others.
Being arab in poland wont help as much as being polish in saudi arabia.

2)The role and influence of mass media and mainstream culture especially when it comes of women which are known for being sheep minded when it comes of fitting in a group.
Black guys are shown as stronger and manly plus the taboo side

3)The level of integration and habits of a group in a country, lets talk about indian guys which happen to have certain habits which repel people especially when it comes of food and the body odor that food creates.
Plus most of indian guys lets say in south europe work crappy jobs like selling fruit and food at late night or even worse some of them are walking traders for water or flowers...not the best advertisement.

Somebody talked about a chart somewhere here few yrs ago if I recall correctly it put white guys at the top both the blond Dolph Lundgreen type with broad shoulders and squared jaw and the dark handsome banderas type, followed from lesser whites and top blacks think of will smith cool type, then latin and middle eastern guys followed from asians and then last indians and less blacks.

Being black means nothing in this case cause someone like Will Smith will easily score hotties while the average refugee arriving in europe gets a fat oldie at most.
Needless to say while race plays a part it depends on you mostly cause look and status see no color.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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Its pretty common to see decent looking black guys with white girls. But I don't see many "professional" black guys with white girls.

What Hollywood puts out has a huge effect on what society accepts. Hollywood is the driving factor. If there were more Indian men in lead acting roles surrounded by attractive white women, then this would become acceptable in society. People need to be told what is in style, what's appropriate. And for most, Hollywood and the media guide their thinking.

A few years back Chris Daughtry and Vin Diesel were very popular. I happen to look similar to those guys and as a result I got more attention from random women. Women would open me and they always told me I looked like one of these two guys. Now that these two have lost some popularity, I don't get this as often.


Jan 28, 2017
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The City
I see @Urbanyst saying how Asian and Indian men are undesirable to women but I am talking more about how that actually came to be the case in the first place anyways, like how did society come together and decide or what made women come together and decided to see certain races as low value.

Even when PUAs throw out race as a "setback" and list certain races as "lower" races, how they determine all of that.

Is it all based on what race can get the most hot white girls?
Its not that complex. Women don't think for themselves. They are also more social than men and care more about what others think.

Women date, f*ck and marry men they don't like at all because it makes them look good. Women reject men that make them wet because they don't want to be perceived a certain way by society, family, friends or whatever.

Again.. why MONEY is so important. My approach is less about what women really like and more about what WORKS. I see some guys talking about how "she only likes you for your money, looks, status, etc.". Do I give a sh*t why a woman wants to suck my balls? NOT REALLY. I just care that she sucks my balls.

You guys who want loyalty from women.. there are two ways to get it. You can either be high value or you can be her little b*tch. Otherwise, she will find someone else. You gotta stop worrying about making women WANT you and worry more about making them NEED you.

Everyone needs MONEY.
Oct 6, 2016
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This stuff varies even based on where in the US you are. I find that in southern states Asian and Indian men can do quite well while in California, they tend to struggle with white women. Might have a lot to do with exotic value and white liberals generally being quite racist towards all minority groups except for blacks, and that's because liberals see black people as cool and making friends/sleeping with one as proof that they are "not racist".

I would say that right now, in my experience, no race has it worse than Arabs and Middle Eastern men, especially in Western Europe.

I talk to hot girls all the time and the one race that gets sh-t on the most is Arabs. I've had tall and handsome (no homo) Arab friends who struggled to pull hot white girls simply because they were Arabs and nothing else. No one race have I heard women say bad things about than Arabs and Persians. In America, it is bad for them but in Europe, it is even worse.

I have heard women say they aren't attracted to them, often have to run from one (especially true if the girl is a blonde), find them creepy, weird, and hate "their culture".

A lot has to do with an influx of "refugees" coming in from those parts of the world. Most of these men often have no game, are poorly vetted, but unlike their Asian immigrant counterparts they are hyper aggressive with women. Bars and nightclubs in Europe have become unsafe due to the influx of Arab and Middle Eastern refugees, even a lot of blondes in Scandinavia have to dye their hair black now. Most of the men are stubborn and do not assimilate into European culture which causes a massive cultural conflict.

With Asian and Indians generally being perceived as shy, it makes it easy for the alpha ones with a macho demeanor to clean up, this is especially true for East Asian men.

Arabs cannot be macho because then they are the typical Arab immigrant and if they are too shy, then women see them as the typical weird immigrant.

What makes me sad about the whole thing is that I have seen Arab guys try the hardest of any race too. A lot of them put the work in, generally make good money, approach a lot, and do all that but they still struggle compared to black and white guys that are lesser than them (uglier, much more poor, and don't even have as much game) because of the stigma attached to being with an Arab.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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Easy answers here.

Asian and Indian men are usually out of shape. They study nerdy subjects like engineering which are beta. They never become professional athletes and rarely have cool jobs like DJs club promoters and personal trainers. THEY HAVE LITTLE TO NO DATING EXPERIENCE by the time they reach college which puts them at a huge disadvantage to white guys who are pulling sorority slvts.

Totally agree that mainstream media shows black men as alpha.even the thug with no job and a criminal record will pull hotter women than the indian guy making 6 figures.

I do not blame women for any of this!!! If I were a woman I'd do the same darn thing lol.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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Easy answers here.

Asian and Indian men are usually out of shape. They study nerdy subjects like engineering which are beta. They never become professional athletes and rarely have cool jobs like DJs club promoters and personal trainers. THEY HAVE LITTLE TO NO DATING EXPERIENCE by the time they reach college which puts them at a huge disadvantage to white guys who are pulling sorority slvts.

Totally agree that mainstream media shows black men as alpha.even the thug with no job and a criminal record will pull hotter women than the indian guy making 6 figures.

I do not blame women for any of this!!! If I were a woman I'd do the same darn thing lol.
It's not smart. They would rather be with a non-productive misfit than someone with a powerful mind that has experience, huge motivation and success. He might even be gift wrapped in a nice physical phisod simply not of your preferred "race"...


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
Only in he West, are you ****ing kidding me? Indians and Asians can't stop ****ing each other, it's ridiculous. They're overpopulating the world right now lol. Truthfully, I think it's because the urban elite who control the West don't want anyone from the East coming here, so they set style and desireable males to only be white or something. **** is crazy, but whatever. Everyone has a preference.


Nov 2, 2011
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You're all wrong, it's all about preconceived notions and racism. There is no such thing as not racist, you can not be not racist and love all races and peace on earth - maybe while you're drunk or high. Same with women, they don't like certain races for one or the other reason. Russian women for example don't like blacks, generally, but there will be an exceptions. White is not a race, a lot of people are white, including Eskimos, so different white women will like different men. Generally white women stay away from Mexicans because of stigma associated with Mexicans, or Indians.

You can break stigmas and preconceived notions by dressing well, being polite and respectful, and generally having a charm about yourself.

Exception is perhaps black men, they can not change their skin color no matter what they do. I don't believe it's proper to think that white girls fall for black men, because remember a) black is marketed as sex toy only, and b) there is no such thing as white race, we are comprised of many different nationalities, each one having their likes and dislikes.

You get in trouble when you live in a country and you are something else. You should adopt, or you could perish like a panda.


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2016
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A clean cut black man with a good job and no record does well with all races of women. He won't get as high value as white man of the same status / income, but will get more looks than men of other minority races.
Wrong, clean black man have it the worse out of every race because we are essentially off-limits from most women of our own race

A clean cut black man with a good job and no record does well with all races of women. He won't get as high value as white man of the same status / income, but will get more looks than men of other minority races.
Furthest thing from the truth bro. We clean black men are essentially off-limits from most black women. That means that we have ruled out more than 95% of our potential dating market because the vast majority of women date within their own race. Where does this small 5 % leave us? The trash of other races which most black men are too embarrassed to admit. The white women or asian women that do date black men are essentially ghetto white women , ghetto asian women, white women going through a temporary Miley Cyrus phase, or liberal sjw white girls that want to save the darker races. These women want thugs too, but they'll at least give clean cut brothers a chance while most black women will be repulsed by one from the get go. I do not pity y'all Asian folks that constantly make crybaby topics about white women because y'all have Asian women. Also, why are yall so obsessed with white women? I've only been with white women and I can assure yall that yall are not missing out on anything. I would much rather have a nice similar black woman, latina, or asian girl. The interracial dating game is rigged towards white men. I see other races of women dating down to be with a white man. In addition, I see other races of men dating down to be with a white woman.
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The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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Its not that complex. Women don't think for themselves. They are also more social than men and care more about what others think.

Women date, f*ck and marry men they don't like at all because it makes them look good. Women reject men that make them wet because they don't want to be perceived a certain way by society, family, friends or whatever.

Again.. why MONEY is so important. My approach is less about what women really like and more about what WORKS. I see some guys talking about how "she only likes you for your money, looks, status, etc.". Do I give a sh*t why a woman wants to suck my balls? NOT REALLY. I just care that she sucks my balls.

You guys who want loyalty from women.. there are two ways to get it. You can either be high value or you can be her little b*tch. Otherwise, she will find someone else. You gotta stop worrying about making women WANT you and worry more about making them NEED you.

Everyone needs MONEY.
I thought of you the other day when a girl I know was telling me about her sister. Her older sister came right out and admitted she married her husband because he had money and was a good provider. Well now she realizes what a mistake that was and they are having all sorts of problems. So be aware that this is what happens when you use money to attract people. Its short lived and sets yourself up for failure.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
I thought of you the other day when a girl I know was telling me about her sister. Her older sister came right out and admitted she married her husband because he had money and was a good provider. Well now she realizes what a mistake that was and they are having all sorts of problems. So be aware that this is what happens when you use money to attract people. Its short lived and sets yourself up for failure.
Not so fast.

Its only short lived if MONEY is the only factor. I've said over and over again that money is an important factor in dating, but not the ONLY factor! When you couple MONEY with other high value factors.. you are in a much better position than you would be with no money.

There is no way around it! Just stop trying.