Walked out on a date last night...


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2015
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Walked out on a first date last night. The date lasted less than an hour.

The girl was pretty, brunette and slim. She had spent the whole day drinking with her colleagues leading up to the date and you could tell that she was pretty drunk. We had a good laugh initially and both of us were laughing. It was becoming apparent though that she swears a lot - she also burped and yawned in front of me and was forgetting what I was saying. She was also on her phone whilst I was talking.

She told me about a date she had earlier that week about a guy she liked - honestly, after a long day working and walking in the rain to the date, this rubbed me up the wrong way.

She was looking at other guys as they walked past also.

On another day I would of probably dismissed these minor faults but the build up of her actions was irking me the wrong way.

She then told me I have an attitude problem.

At this point we both finished our drinks and she told me that the band were due to start in a few minutes.

It's probably my own doing but this girl was p.issing me off!

I got up and said - 'Claire, I'm going to take off. Take care' and left her there. She was probably expecting me to get the drinks.

I felt quite guilty as she seemed quite despondent.
Maybe I over reacted.

Anyways, as I drive off in my car - I get a text off her calling me a f....ckng c.vnt.

I don't think a second date is on the cards.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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You did the right thing.

The ONLY thing I would have done differently is block her number on the way out to your car. Not to punish her or anything, more of a move so YOU know she's forever behind you.

You DID NOT over react. You handled the situation perfectly. Delete her number immediately and never contact her again.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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At the beginning of the date when I realized she was already drunk I would've just invited her to the house. No point in getting more drinks for her.

At the end you did the right thing. I probably would've made her feel stupid before I just bounced. What kind of person does shvt like what she does?


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2012
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She was drinking with her friends before your date? Ha! That says something about her...

Who cares, it was only a first date, find someone who shows up sober!


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
(This is one of those threads where I disagree with everyone.)

She got herself drunk before the date. That not only saves you money, it is a huge buying sign! This b!tch had "fvck me" written on her forehead. She was trying to throw herself at you, and you just couldn't handle it. That's weak.

If you are wife-shopping, then I agree she was not your best candidate. Otherwise, I don't know if you are on a celibacy vow, but you just threw away some easy pvssy.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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She got herself drunk before the date. That not only saves you money, it is a huge buying sign!
I personally find drunk women to be very unattractive. I won't take an easy, alcohol-fuelled lay because I find the woman's intoxicated behaviour to be repulsive. It's different if me and my GF go out for a few drinks, but I simply cannot enjoy the company of a drunken woman I know little to nothing about.


New Member
Sep 2, 2016
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Walked out on a first date last night. The date lasted less than an hour.

The girl was pretty, brunette and slim. She had spent the whole day drinking with her colleagues leading up to the date and you could tell that she was pretty drunk. We had a good laugh initially and both of us were laughing. It was becoming apparent though that she swears a lot - she also burped and yawned in front of me and was forgetting what I was saying. She was also on her phone whilst I was talking.

She told me about a date she had earlier that week about a guy she liked - honestly, after a long day working and walking in the rain to the date, this rubbed me up the wrong way.

She was looking at other guys as they walked past also.

On another day I would of probably dismissed these minor faults but the build up of her actions was irking me the wrong way.

She then told me I have an attitude problem.
Yuck, unless she likes provoking anger & drama for more emotional sex. But her game was off, too sloppy. You don't need any of this.

She might have been having a bad day. But nothng good for you would have come from her showing zero respect. None of your actions did anything guilt -worthy. Seeing her hurt caused you guilt? Inner game idea - you gave her the gift of a wake up call, and so you left her better than you found her. Good job. Truth is everyone has bad habits & attitudes to fix. Coming here to get a reality check on your guilt feelings was a smart move. A guy who feels irrational guilt for not appeasing disrespect is destined for painful relationships unless he breaks that habit.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
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Walked out on a first date last night. The date lasted less than an hour.

The girl was pretty, brunette and slim. She had spent the whole day drinking with her colleagues leading up to the date and you could tell that she was pretty drunk. We had a good laugh initially and both of us were laughing. It was becoming apparent though that she swears a lot - she also burped and yawned in front of me and was forgetting what I was saying. She was also on her phone whilst I was talking.

She told me about a date she had earlier that week about a guy she liked - honestly, after a long day working and walking in the rain to the date, this rubbed me up the wrong way.

She was looking at other guys as they walked past also.

On another day I would of probably dismissed these minor faults but the build up of her actions was irking me the wrong way.

She then told me I have an attitude problem.

At this point we both finished our drinks and she told me that the band were due to start in a few minutes.

It's probably my own doing but this girl was p.issing me off!

I got up and said - 'Claire, I'm going to take off. Take care' and left her there. She was probably expecting me to get the drinks.

I felt quite guilty as she seemed quite despondent.
Maybe I over reacted.

Anyways, as I drive off in my car - I get a text off her calling me a f....ckng c.vnt.

I don't think a second date is on the cards.
You did the right thing. Walk away if they are pissing you off in the first date then they are dead wood.

My record shortest was not even 5 minutes. I picked her up and we were driving to and i could tell right away this one had a bad attitude. Complaining about ****ty men and i better not be one also, so right in the middle of the road i hit the brakes and leaned over and opened the passanger door and pointed and said "out! Dates over."

She replied "but we haven't even had dinner yet."

I said " don't care. You blew it. Out."

Needless to say there was no second date


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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I had a freshly-established exclusive relationship a few years back. We went out on a date. I was in a fun, playful mood and I said something that was clearly sarcastic, and she took offence to it. It wasn't even anything nasty, but she decided on giving me the silent treatment for the duration of the date. She kept doing the silent treatment for THREE HOURS and never let up. She said "I need to go home and get a sweater before we go to xxxx". So I drove her home while she was still giving me the silent treatment. She got out, went into her apartment to fetch her sweater, and I fvcking drove away. I'd had enough. I ended the relationship right at that point.

I had another GF stand me up for a dinner to celebrate 6 months together. I had planned it weeks in advance, made reservations, and informed her of the date and time which she agreed to. I went to pick her up and she didn't show. I texted her, phoned her, and got no response. I cancelled the reservation and picked up some food on the way home. While I'm getting my food, she texts me and says "you're not outside". This was about half an hour after I had left her place. I officially ended the relationship a couple of days later.

NEVER tolerate an inexcusable amount of disrespect. Keep your bull**** tolerance low and it will save you a LOT of headaches in the future.


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2014
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Showed up drunk to the date? Wow she must be a keeper.
She was a pump and dump at best. And no you didn't over react, she didn't respect you enough to show up sober.


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2014
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Just what if she got drunk to handle her nerves being around you?

If she was too sloppy to make sense then sure bounce.

If she was sensible enough to carry a convo then next move would have been to move quick.

In the short time you were together, did you kino? was she responsive? your emotions should have been put aside and your dikc should have done the thinking.

Everyone gets to learn from this.


Sep 3, 2016
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The minute she showed up drunk I would have said, "sorry I have an emergency and just leave." I am sorry, but that was inexcusable. Its rude also to not put your ph on silent or ignore it and answer it. She should have said, I will call u back to the caller. She wasn't worth your time and she shouldn't have talking about some other guy she was into. All of it was inappropriate and disrespectful.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 25, 2014
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Love it. Way to take control and show her you were unwilling to put up with that off-putting behavior.

However, I would not be so quick to write her off or block her number. If she has an ounce of respect or dignity, she'll probably offer to make it up to you. You definitely will stick out in her mind because she likely has never had anyone do that to her ever.

But definitely don't take her out again. The only get-together that's acceptable is if she offers to come to your place and cook for you or something, only after being extremely apologetic. You never know how she'll feel after she sobers up in the morning. Long shot at best though.