Hey guys I'm new here so lemme know if this is the wrong place to post.
Kind of embarrassing but here we go:
-I have no problem attracting hot women
-Only ever banged couple times when very drunk - dont remember it well
-Definitely heterosexual
The problem
Before sex:
-Mind goes in overdrive
-Don't want to disappoint her
-Cant stop thinking about what she is thinking of me and how the foreplay is for her
-Nervous, not in control anymore
-Become very temperature type hot and adrenaline sort of kicks in
-Lose my wood completely
-Give up
Ive tried a couple times sober and I just freak out almost... since then Ill hook up in clubs, parties etc but avoid the actual thing.
Am I the only male on the Earth that this is happening to? How the **** do I cure this guys
Kind of embarrassing but here we go:
-I have no problem attracting hot women
-Only ever banged couple times when very drunk - dont remember it well
-Definitely heterosexual
The problem
Before sex:
-Mind goes in overdrive
-Don't want to disappoint her
-Cant stop thinking about what she is thinking of me and how the foreplay is for her
-Nervous, not in control anymore
-Become very temperature type hot and adrenaline sort of kicks in
-Lose my wood completely
-Give up
Ive tried a couple times sober and I just freak out almost... since then Ill hook up in clubs, parties etc but avoid the actual thing.
Am I the only male on the Earth that this is happening to? How the **** do I cure this guys