The Mythical War on Men


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Here's a recent CNN article criticizing the idea of a "war on men". I've been confused a few times on this forum recently by people saying that the Men's Rights Movement only wanted to protect white men. I couldn't figure out what race had to do with the legal bias toward females in today's society.

Reading this article, things become a little clearer. The feminists are PAINTING the battle this way. This is supposedly an article about gender wars, but I was shocked at how many times race was brought up. It talks about "white men" who lost jobs to "black women". And says that the only men who have complaints are those who were against President Obama and for Rush Limbaugh.

This is an age old tactic - divide the opposition. Instead of looking at the gender wars by gender, they muddy the water by trying to turn it into a race battle instead. Pretty sneaky, sis.

Here's a link to the article, although I don't really think it's worth reading.

I thought one of the comments was interesting. A guy was saying that it was strange that women received government intervention through affirmative action, even though women today are better educated than men - more women are getting college diplomas.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
1. I posted that same story here

after reading that, i have come to the conclusion that thre red pill is one of attraction, not promotion. you can't promote the red pill as people are so ego invested in the blue pill they will fight it to the death. you aren't dealing with just a few articles or a few bad relationships you are dealing tih decades, an entire life time of social conditioning.

the only way i see the red pill being spread is by people saying look man i see how you are living, you get dates wtih cute women, you don't have any bat **** crazy ex's you don't have any baby momma's, you don't have all the **** most men have at your age how do you do it? then you show them.

2. black women have it rough. white men, unless your name is Olivia Pope lol, aren't attracted to black women. not only that, they are seen as the direct beneficiary of affirmative action by bitter white men, and articles like this don't help the issue. I did not word that correctly I am not calling all white men bitter, but when you talk AA the first thought that pops in most people's head is the black woman who got the job over teh qualified white man.

i agree wit your overall assessment.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
samspade said:
Good points, zekko. This is why a) it's a waste of time to argue/convince women, and b) it's key to persuade as many men as possible what's in their interest.

Men, even betas, can be persuaded and reasoned with. Women on the other hand will see what they want to see, with few exceptions. They will be too emotionally invested to understand why any change would ever need to be implemented.

I've ceased trying to argue with women or even have a spirited discussion with them on issues like this. It's a macro form of squabbling with your girlfriend, when action is more effective. As I've been saying, men need to act in their interests, not rally or write articles for the CNN-reading crowd.

even worse, i' going to break down exactly why it's a waste of time

Look at the dynamic of the CNN article.

men read it, wheels start spinning in head, a few guys make a few good points, and out of everywhere comes women from all places, telling them how this is much bull**** this is and how this will never make you happy, then re affirm what it is she wants the man to do. and the men will listen beucase in their mind, their sexual needs are at stake.

in other words, red pill guys for the most part are action oritned guys. bull pill guys, are more book/advice oritend guys, tha'ts how all of us got in the blue pill in the first place no one is born into the blue pill someone tells you to swollow it to get this. if a guy is reading a CNN article to figure otu what is wrong in the first place lol, he's a few HB 8's telling him that this is bull**** away to re swallow the blue pill.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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Social_Leper said:
So I ask again...What is to be done?
nothing for now

The wise must elevate the wise

red pill dudes share with other red pill dudes

Society is crumbling around us....once the state crumbles real men will be able to step up..women will be forced to capitulate to the rule of men or starve to more welfare state to bolster their false ego... this time alpha men will be able to pick and choose for the long term...either a women serves you completely...or you toss her into the snow...women will once more be the subservient helpful creatures they are designed to be,


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
Social_Leper said:
This seems hopelessly optimistic, or incredible pessimistic, depending on how you look at it.

Waiting for the complete breakdown of society makes sense in the long term (and i agree with you that it will happen eventually) but witnessing first hand the self-destructive logical conclusion of our current path could take generations.

it's the exact philophy that AA has taken on since 1932 and has grown from 2 members in 32' to 2.1 million members in 2012. AA doesn't promote, they only attract people who want to be clean. they don't waste time on people who aren't willing to do anything to get sober.

and there are a lot more than 2 pissed off men on earth.

when guys are sick of being sick and tired they will come find us.

At this point you probably have a woman (or multiple women) chasing you around, calling you all the time, wanting to be with you. So let's talk about how to KEEP a woman interested in you once you have her. This is BIG! There is nothing worse than getting dumped by a woman that you really, really like.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
this is a debate i am not going to wate my time on danger. you have yoru ways and i have mine. but most addicts/alcoholics know about AA but don't go until they see someone living that they know used to get high or drunk and who is no longer doing so and then they ask why they did it.

and **** even the people who know who AA is, dno';t know how to get there; you have abetter chance of finding a CIA agent in disgause than finding most AA meetings.. generally you have to ask someone how to get there.

anyway that's how i feel. people ask me how i do it, i tell them. utnil then you are going against social conditioning.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Social_Leper said:
That's the point Danger is trying to get at.

Most guys have no clue there's a problem and if they did they have no idea how to get help from game aware guys like us.
Most guys have no clue there's a problem and if they did they have no idea how to get help from game aware guys like us.
and that's what you aren't getting

a guy doesn't have to know that there is a problem to know that something isn't right and to want to fix it.

I'm just using my practical knowledge of something similar.

i mean if you want to beat your head up against the wall arguing wtih dudes who don't want to hear wht you are saying, be my guest. no skin off my back. but i've tried it for years in a different subject matter (drugs) and i know already the conclusion you are going to come to.

samspade and myself are virtually twins when it comes to this matter.

I'm happy today. I wake up happy. I have a good son, a hot wife who loves me very much, i'm not bitter, I get more femal attention from theo opposite sex today then i ever hve in my life, **** we just hired a football coach lol, i'm going to celebrate and then make sexy time with my wife tonight lol. if someone sees my joy and ants some of it i can give it and will freely. but i'm not going to lose my joy trying to drag people out of the crab bucket.

Law 10
Infection: Avoid the Unhappy and Unlucky
You can die from someone else’s misery – emotional states are as infectious as disease. You may feel you are helping the drowning man but you are only precipitating your own disaster. The unfortunate sometimes draw misfortune on themselves; they will also draw it on you. Associate with the happy and fortunate instead.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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This knowledge has to be spread not only to bring justice and fairness in this world by saving men from the programming which aims to screw them up.

This knowledge has to be spread because only when a significant number of men realize whats going on and goes on strike, the ground will be fertile enough for a change as much as politicians and media has to acknowledge it.

By strike I mean simply stopping to support this non-sense, wheter is accepting to be mistreated on their work place, paying unfair amount of taxes for women, MOST OF ALL REFUSE TO MARRY, and many more small steps as deleting a girls number once she play games or call a b1tch a b1tch when he sees one.

The problem with ignorant man is that they believe things are like they are because they are supposed to be like that and that there is not other alternative.

"Always respect women" - "we could never understand women"- "women know best when it comes of relationships" and so on....

They simply have to know that they didnt hit the jackpot when the "reformed girl" left the bad boys and went to him....he just had the last slice of the cake right before it expired.

Once reformed hos can no longer find a sucker because any sucker see whats going on and save his dignity,also other women will realize that with freedom come accountability, in relationships and society.

Just tell men whats going on, tell how they can be bad mouthed only to politely offer a lift to a girl under the rain at work or sued for harassment if they approach a girl which just blown an other guy in the back alley but doesnt find him attractive.

No amount of game or alpha bvllsh1t will help on a divorce court if the system is rigged.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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When I write I deliberately make my posts and my blog as politically and racially neutral as I can. Unless the topic is specifically about how the current gender landscape relates to a political climate, or expresses the individual experiences of a particular ethnicity or nationality, I intently keep my work as neutral as possible.

I do so because Game, unplugging and red pill awareness isn't about race or political affiliation, or even gender. I encourage anyone to participate in the discussion. I think all men (and more women now) regardless of culture or race can contribute to a better collective knowledge of Game and the awakening. I would be foolish to discount the related experiences of some guy in urban China or rural Africa. Everything help, every related experience strengthens the awakening.

This is what my opponents in the feminine imperative fear. That enough men will become aware. So they have to cast the manosphere as a collective of angry white conservatives. It's too terrible a notion to think that the manosphere is in fact a multi-cultural collective.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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Dear Burroughs,
"Society is crumbling around us....once the state crumbles real men will be able to step up..women will be forced to capitulate to the rule of men or starve to more welfare state to bolster their false ego..."
Oh my dear friend,you will go Old and Grey waiting for this.....Can't you see that from now on your Country will be going down the Welfare Path following the example of the various European Powers who over the last 1.000 years,successively passed the baton,from Nation to Nation and finally handed it to you people....Western Culture is at the end of its cycle and someone else is going to have a go...Probably they will end up sending their Body Bags to Afghanistan...John Maynard Keynes whose outdated Economics are still being followed by Western Nations,thought that by the 1980's People would be working only 15 hours a week leaving them free to indulge in Sports,Education and Cultural Pursuits....30 years ago this looked like the way it was going to go,we had Job Sharing,increased holidays,furlough,Superannuation,welfare Housing....Now it seems people lucky enough to have a job,work long arduous hours and have a poor quality of life,even if they have a lot of assett....Seeing our great Nations have abandoned Manufacturing in favour of Merchant Banking what are these people producing?Seems mostly senseless reports and statistics!....Perhaps the Welfare State is a better way of wasting Money than the alternative of sending your Young Men Overseas on Futile Quests...
" this time alpha men will be able to pick and choose for the long term...either a women serves you completely...or you toss her into the snow...women will once more be the subservient helpful creatures they are designed to be".....Oh Burroughs!Alpha Men,many on this site, are doing this right now,and you don't have to go to Thailand or the Philipines to indulge yourself!

If you want to talk, talk to your friends. If you want a girl to like you, listen to her, ask questions, and act like you are on the edge of your seat.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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Scaramouche said:
Dear Burroughs,
"Society is crumbling around us....once the state crumbles real men will be able to step up..women will be forced to capitulate to the rule of men or starve to more welfare state to bolster their false ego..."
Oh my dear friend,you will go Old and Grey waiting for this.....Can't you see that from now on your Country will be going down the Welfare Path following the example of the various European Powers who over the last 1.000 years,successively passed the baton,from Nation to Nation and finally handed it to you people....Western Culture is at the end of its cycle and someone else is going to have a go...Probably they will end up sending their Body Bags to Afghanistan...John Maynard Keynes whose outdated Economics are still being followed by Western Nations,thought that by the 1980's People would be working only 15 hours a week leaving them free to indulge in Sports,Education and Cultural Pursuits....30 years ago this looked like the way it was going to go,we had Job Sharing,increased holidays,furlough,Superannuation,welfare Housing....Now it seems people lucky enough to have a job,work long arduous hours and have a poor quality of life,even if they have a lot of assett....Seeing our great Nations have abandoned Manufacturing in favour of Merchant Banking what are

Much wisdom as always Captain Scara!

Yes I did consider the iron-clad grip the welfare state seems to have on the collective hearts and mind of the 90% or is it the 99.9%

And since we live in age of manufactured thin air currency there is no reason at all this cannot continue forever so long as people believe the lie...which they cling to ferociously..

..until one day it cannot....the elite decide to pull the plug

then it gets interesting :up:


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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While it's correct that most men have never heard of the MRM, the messages have reached way more than you think. I see them grow in my own very blue-pill social circle. I keep my mouth shut and say nothing except through humour, and I keep hearing guys bringing up topics related to the MRM and saying how they're sick & tired of feminist bullsh1t (e.g the 77c to a dollar one). Nobody is active in spreading the message IRL, but those guys are finding them all on their own, thanks to the Internet.

Besides, no guy wants to admit this IRL due to lack of anonymity. If you talk to me in my social habitat, you'd hear mostly blue pill crap, although if you pay attention, you'll recognise plenty of red pill knowledge sprinkled here & there. ;) There are so many feminists in my circles (a very SWPL city) that I have to protect myself. Laws of power baby.

Articles like this one are great for us. Even when they publish their denials of any war on men or issue affecting men, they are giving our issues publicity. Naturally men will read this and their minds will wonder if the issues truly exist or not. Getting them to think about men's issues (hopefully before they get bitten in the arse by those) is a great start.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
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Toowoomba AU
There's a b1tch Australian Journalist called Tory Shepherd whom I reeeeealy hate. I would like to see her suffer an excruciating torment for an extremely long time, I would spit on her if I ever met her.

Anyway, among other things that p1ss me off, she's the most smarmy opponent of Mens' Rights you could imagine. She rights these articles on a popular Australian news website about how all Mens' Rights Advocates are "extremists", and how everything they say is nonsense:

Well, I tried to post on that website yesterday a comment along the lines of: "You say that Mens' Rights advocates are "extremists", but if you look at the way these feminists are carrying on~

And then if you view the lecture they were trying to stop people from listening to~

Ask yourself, who are the real extremists?"

Needless to say, the comment didn't get published on that Mainstream News site.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 2, 2011
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Again I will have to fall into the BB/samspade camp on this one. Awareness/Game trumps all, including organized political movements.

Are the courts biased? Sure, so don't get married. Or have an iron-clad prenup if you must. If the average guy out there had more Awareness/Game, he'd know all about women and their wiley ways, he'd know how to spot red flags from a mile off, etc, etc. So the chances of him getting married to a succubus saboteur who will rape him in divorce court are much lower. Perhaps he wouldn't even feel the need to get married at all, since he has an abundance mentality now.

And here's where someone or other will jump in with the "false rape" argument. Ok...idk about you guys but I've never even known or personally heard of anyone in my life who had a FR accusation brought against them. And I'm sure most of the many hundreds/thousands of guys I've known in my life did not have the Game resources we have. Again: if you have Awareness/Game, you'll be able to spot red flags and substantially lower the already very small chance this will happen to you. Could it still happen? Sure...but you could also get hit by lightning the second you walk out your front door. Anything's possible, but f*ck it - you only have one life to live.

EDIT: In my younger years, I wondered if it was my duty to mankind to perhaps dedicate my life to a political movement/uprising/revolution based on the principles I adhered to and found just. After much thought and pondering I realized this would be a futile waste of my time. Not because the cause isn't worthy...but because the vast majority of people are INDIFFERENT, apathetic, lazy, and stuck in perpetual inertia. Why waste my valuable time on this planet trying to help people who don't care to help themselves? Remember, Neo was searching for the answer to the question, every night, before the revelation came. The seekers will find what this site and others offer, and everyone else will stay where they are...on their couches watching some new BS reality tv show.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
i skimmed through the article, wow, it gets annoying.

i mean, how the hell do you go from the subject of 'war on men' and turn it into a racial rant?

Man, you just want to smack the stupid out of these people. I'd be willing to bet the guy who wrote that article has no black friends and lives in an all white hood. LOL.

Anyway, I always say any kind of war on men is mainly a man on man war. Imo, females basically have no power, zero, zippo, notta other than the power of persuasion. And that persuasion pits one type of man against another. That is how the female power dynamic works.

How did a female get the right to vote, how did she get into the board room, how did she get free birth control pills haha. Its because a man decided it was the right thing to do.. i'm not saying what is right or wrong but make no mistake, women had nothing to do with it.

Take a look at our govt to see how much power women have...
In the House, 362 men and 76 women. In the Senate, 17 women and 83 men.

Never try to read a woman's mind. It is a scary place. Ignore her confusing signals and mixed messages. Assume she is interested in you and act accordingly.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
st_99 said:
i skimmed through the article, wow, it gets annoying.

i mean, how the hell do you go from the subject of 'war on men' and turn it into a racial rant?

Man, you just want to smack the stupid out of these people. I'd be willing to bet the guy who wrote that article has no black friends and lives in an all white hood. LOL.

Anyway, I always say any kind of war on men is mainly a man on man war. Imo, females basically have no power, zero, zippo, notta other than the power of persuasion. And that persuasion pits one type of man against another. That is how the female power dynamic works.

How did a female get the right to vote, how did she get into the board room, how did she get free birth control pills haha. Its because a man decided it was the right thing to do.. i'm not saying what is right or wrong but make no mistake, women had nothing to do with it.

really this is a good point.

we aren't waring wtih women.. we are @ war against men who allow women to act this way. if women couldn't act the way they do, they wouldn't. but they can.

if every man on earth got their **** together and said look babe.. this or bye. women would shape up.

that's why arguing with women is pointless, that's not the target.

and of course, his entire dogma is tied up into his beliefs, he believes this is the tried and true, or atl esat, he has his money riding on this being the tried and truth method of getting female companionship.. submit to women, be their friend, promote them and they will shower you with love and attention and if you keep flaking out it's beucase you haven't met the right one, not beucase the dogma is wrong...


Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2010
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Jitterbug said:
While it's correct that most men have never heard of the MRM, the messages have reached way more than you think. I see them grow in my own very blue-pill social circle. I keep my mouth shut and say nothing except through humour, and I keep hearing guys bringing up topics related to the MRM and saying how they're sick & tired of feminist bullsh1t (e.g the 77c to a dollar one). Nobody is active in spreading the message IRL, but those guys are finding them all on their own, thanks to the Internet.

Besides, no guy wants to admit this IRL due to lack of anonymity. If you talk to me in my social habitat, you'd hear mostly blue pill crap, although if you pay attention, you'll recognise plenty of red pill knowledge sprinkled here & there. ;) There are so many feminists in my circles (a very SWPL city) that I have to protect myself. Laws of power baby.

Articles like this one are great for us. Even when they publish their denials of any war on men or issue affecting men, they are giving our issues publicity. Naturally men will read this and their minds will wonder if the issues truly exist or not. Getting them to think about men's issues (hopefully before they get bitten in the arse by those) is a great start.
Yes. I know that none of my friends are even aware of the manosphere, and I am pleasantly surprised all the time at how many red-pill sentiments I hear from them. I am the same way. I have to be careful when and where I talk about this kind of stuff.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
"Nobody I know voted for Nixon" isn't much of an argument, AlphaWhiskey.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 2, 2011
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Danger said:
Ok, I knew as soon as I wrote that paragraph that I'd be getting these type of responses. But samspade gets I know it's possible? Of course. But in my mind it's *highly improbable* to happen to me. I don't worry about it the same way I don't worry about getting struck by lightning, or getting salmonella poisoning at a restaurant.

To address your points Danger:

Danger said:
One does not even have to be present to be falsely accused of rape. That is how powerful the misandry machine is. Once you are accused, whether you were even there or not, you are guilty. Just like accusations of domestic violence.
One doesn't even have to be present to be accused of murder either. Doesn't mean your going to jail. I would like some demonstrable evidence of someone who wasn't even present and was found guilty. I'm not saying it doesn't exist, I'd just like to see it. I'm guessing these cases are statistical outliers.

Danger said:
One should not have to fear being in certain situations just because one is male. That is NOT freedom.
Ha, sorry man, but you're losing your grasp on reality with this one. Imagine a woman saying the same thing about being female and walking down a dark ally in the slum part of town wearing next to nothing, in the middle of the night. We would all sneer at such naivety. The truth is we live in the world the way it is. Adapt and exercise judgment, or perish.

I think the speed limit is too low in my town as well as the legal limit for blood alcohol content while driving. Now I can spend all my time recruiting and lobbying to affect legal change, or I can spend precious time on this planet doing things that are more of a priority for me, more fulfilling. In the meantime I'll avoid speeding and drinking a sh!tload before I have to drive, and on nights that I have had a couple drinks, I'll take the backroads.

Would I like to see things change? Sure. But the most power *I* can exert over my own life is to control my own circumstances as much as possible, via Game/Awareness. I support the MRM's goals completely, but I'm not waiting around cursing my woes until some legislative changes are made. Instead I'll go through this life like a British commando in WW2: slide into enemy territory in disguise, get what I came there for, and slide back out. With none the wiser but me. And sosuave haha. If and when pro-male legislation comes to the table, believe me - I'll vote for it. Never in any post have I derided the MRM. All I said above was that Game/Awareness trumps all.

Danger said:
This is not meant as an attack on anyone, but how can someone look in the mirror and decide that they would rather tiptoe through the world as it is for fear of being ground up by the system as opposed to helping men wake up?
Notice I said above - "Sure...but you could also get hit by lightning the second you walk out your front door. Anything's possible, but f*ck it - you only have one life to live."

Does that sound like mentality of a guy who is tiptoeing through the world in fear?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 2, 2011
Reaction score
Danger said:
And if you are curtailing your actions in life to avoid the possibilities of those accusations, like making out with a girl at a bar, then you are living in fear. No matter what you say, that is an undeniable fact.
But I'm not. :) I've made out with I don't know how many girls I just met at bars, and the worst that ever happened was one time a girl I was having excellent chemistry with got insta-b!tchy when I approached her again 10 min later. In immediate retrospective analysis I concluded it was because I had been talking to her friend first and then when her friends saw us making out I think they gave her sh!t and she ramped up the ASD into overdrive. I learned my lesson though, always isolate before you escalate. But I digress...

You make very valid points Danger, no doubt. But I'll tell you what: I'll keep doing things my way, and if I end up in jail I'll write you a letter conceding defeat. I wouldn't hold your breath though.

If you want to talk, talk to your friends. If you want a girl to like you, listen to her, ask questions, and act like you are on the edge of your seat.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
