Disrespect is out of the question, if my girl flat out DISRESPECTS ME, she is out of my life for a while, and if she doesn't apologize and comes around, then she is gone!!
TESTS are healthy and subtle, she never lets you knwo when you are about to be tested, but you must understand what a test is. yes EVERY woman tests you to see if you are the real deal, how else could she know?
dynamics go on a continuum, on the healthy side is respect and admiration for her man, in the middle ground would be healthy tests or SH1T TESTS, that she unconsciously uses to determine your manly strength and power in the relationship. in the end of the continuum is flat out disrespect for you, at this point, she is already thinking less of you as a man, and she is just disrespecting you because she can!.
so if you know how to pass a woman's test, or even provide tests of your own where you always put your standards and expectations upfront, then she will admire you more, and the tests will decrease (NOT STOP). she must continue to test you to know that you are not slacking, that you are still the man in her life, no matter how long has passed.
every woman tests, hell, even mother teresa would test the hell out of any man in her way. My dad always says that, and he is married to one of nicest woman I know. not saying that just couse she is my mom. and she ALWAYS TEST HIM. he knows and he expects it, oh when it happens, he puts her on her place inmediately!!!, even though she makes more money than him. my dad always tells me " never let a woman get the upper hand, never lose control."
my gf is one of the nicest there is, and she has tested me recently. we were laying in the sofa, and she was there and her feet were touching my legs, and I was ok with it. so i was comfortable and I did the same, I kinda used my feet to stroke her legs. as soon as I did that, she pushed my foot away and looked at me like " dont do that", so I immediately, took her feet away from my leg and looking at her in the eye said. "then you shouldnt do that either." and pushed her leg off, and I ignored her.
she got the
message, and immediately changed her behavior, and started being more flirty and huggy, and initiated conversation, she felt the power of my indiference and action. she UNCONSCIOUSLY liked it, and her feminine side kicked in.
two months ago we were making out here and there, and at what time she "playfully" pulled away and said "now you gonna have to work for it if you want another kiss!!... I felt it was a test (cuz you get the gut feeling) so I laid back and told her "then you are not getting any kiss for a whole week, because I dont work untill next saturday." which was true.
and she again smiled and hugged me. ( do you see whats going on???)
i never supplicate, I never ask why? why dont u want another kiss? why are u pushing my foot away? dont you like me anymore? pffffttt, I react by giving her twice the amount of indifirence she is giving me.
sometimes you have to be flexible and let the woman have her opinion and her way in a healthy manner and if she is respectful, but learn to differentiate a test.
tests are usually power manneuvers she brings in order to TRY OR ATTEMPT to put you as the low status person in the relationship, and establishh her as the LEADER, or the prize in the relationship. (unconsciously) she doesnt know she is doing it.
if you are the KING in HER universe and your universe, and you know how to maintain the frame, then you wont let her be the king, there cannot be two kings, if you give her that, she will lose respect. worse case scenario, she must learn to negotiate with you and compromise and communicate, that is good. not nag and demand, never reward those behaviors.
rule number 1 of this forum: be the prize (the king) and learn attraction, which means knowing how to give her the feelings where she always wants more of you (chases you). A woman will never attempt to chase you, admire you, respect you, if she doesnt see you as the king in their reality. she can be the queen, or whatever she wants. its ok, she can have power in the relationship as well, but she must NEVER try to take away the power from you, its not natural for a woman to take position as a king in a relationship, if she establishes herself as the PRIZE, and perceives you as beneath her in hierarchy or whatever, socially, emotionally, whatever, if she sees you that you are below her, and she becomes the prize in the relatinoship, then she will feel entitled to demand, to boss you around, to become the leader (because she now is the king, you let her!!, your fault!!) and she will feel entitled to DISRESPECT YOU. because you are beneath!!!!.
of course having her as the prize, and you the lucky guy does not create attraction in her, sexually, she will feel more and more disgusted at you, eventually, she will lose all respect, and she will start longing for a REAL MAN, who can give her pleasure ( a man who is a king, who dominates). and she will cheat and lie. sad!
BE THE KING!, always have control of your territory. (YOURSELF)
I think, if people get anything else from this site, should be this idea, this is a VERY important topic and thread!!! more important than any pick up line, or technique to get a date or number. THIS IS THE CORE OF MALE/FEMALE INTERACTIONS!!
if you guys don't take the time to internalize and practice on this, then your future relationships are destined to fail, guys go into different relationships over and over making mistakes, until one day they decide that next time they won't put up with certain "behaviors" from women, and they wont waste their time anymore with low quality girls, that's when the boy starts dying, and the REAL MAN, begins to emmerge. what a woman really wants!