when you look good, you feel good, and when you feel good, you wheel good.
End of conversation.
Arguing over semantics is as stupid as virgins arguing over what the best sex position is. Getting your ass out there and doing work is infinity more important that drawing some arbitrary conclusion which won't ultimately help you. If you want to look good, cool. It won't hurt. If you don't care and you feel good, great, that won't hurt either.
Even though this horse was curmudgeoned to death, i'll put in my 2 cents from experience. I look solid now. Not great, not all the time, but good enough so that it helps me with my other deficiencies. I get away with more than a fat slob could. Throw in when I am feeling good, and I can really do some serious work. I am that guy that your chick friends talk too. They want to talk to me. They always orbit around where me and my friends are. Its common when you dress and act the part.
So argue all you want. At the end of the day, it comes down to if you want to be the best you that you can be. If you don't want to, thats your own deal. But for me personally, looking good and feeling good go hand and hand, and it helps not only with women but projecting confidence on a business level as well.
Now we can argue all night, and let the hotties go to waste, or we can get some work done and go snag some. I know what I want.
See you all later!