Becoming a Rare Commodity can make you an instant success with girls!

Robert Jordon

Don Juan
Jul 7, 2000
Reaction score
If you've been looking for that extra advantage to make your self more ATTRACTIVE towards women/girls! This is for you!! I would suggest you read the following in its entirity and do your best to apply it.

The other day I observed something very interesting when my younger cousines(8 & 9) years old, came over to visit. We had this bag of candy that contained cherry, lime, grape, orange, and blueberry flavored candy. The funny thing about it was that there was only 3 or 4 blueberry candies in the bag, compared to 15-20 candies in the other 4 flavors.

What I observed was that these 2 children litterally crawled over each other to get there hands on the blueberry flavored candy. When I asked them why they wanted that flavor so badly. They couldn't give me a straight answer.

It later dawned on me, that the reason they wanted the blueberry flavor so badly was that it was RARE. It certainly wasn't the best tasting or best looking flavor/color in the pile, but it was rare! Therefor it was precieved as being far more valuable!

Now imagin yourself begin the rare blue candy amoung all the other guys out there. and those children begining the pretty girls your after!

You see, it is a psychological fact that we place more value on something that is rare and hard to find. We precieve things that come to easily or that are abundant as being valueless. Thats why gold is so valuable and sand is precieved as being worthless! Gold is a rare commodity!

With that said, you don't need to worry about being the best looking guy there. Or the best dressed or whatever. If you can find something about yourself that sets you apart from every other guy there(or at least most other guys) You are now going to be seen as a rare commodity. and your value will skyrocked because of it! Try it

The Difference Between Winning and Losing, Is Knowing...


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2000
Reaction score
Davis, CA
You make a great point by stressing the power of individuality. Few people realize that it takes much less effort to be yourself rather than always trying to be somone else. This quality also makes it easier to be confident, but it all boils down to self-respect. I'm not sure if that's what you were implying, but that's the message I got.

Also, were you aware that you used many elements of NLP?


REd-xL (18)

"Life begins from this point on."

"It's the little things that matter most, and subtlety is the key to opening the
possibilities of making them happen."

"You control your own destiny, but the path you take determines your legacy."

Robert Jordon

Don Juan
Jul 7, 2000
Reaction score
NLP? Nope, I wasn't aware that I was using any elements from NLP Red-xL. I've just been spending more time lately observing the world around me, and observing human nature. It's amazing how much can be learned by observation itself


Senior Don Juan
Jun 13, 2000
Reaction score
Wausa, Nebraska, US
Which is the main reason I learned the bass guitar (few in this town know how to play a guitar let alone bass). Spike my hair (live in the midwest where they just dye and maybe gel). And do a few other things that set me apart from the others. But yes, excellent observation.


Three pieces of advice from everyday experiences:
1) Just do it (Nike)
2) Do, or do not, there is no try (Master Yoda)
3) All of the above


Senior Don Juan
Apr 26, 2000
Reaction score
Originally posted by Robert Jordon:

gold is so valuable and sand is precieved as being worthless! Gold is a rare commodity!

And Gold is also shiny! point taken dude, just got to remember that you HAVE to stand out in order to become a rare commodity, because otherwise how are you differant from the other stones, you gotta shine,

Men natrually want Sex~
Women natrually want money~

That's why it works out so perfectly~~~~


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2000
Reaction score
Originally posted by Profound:
now i know why superman wears his underwear outside his pants


Don Juan
Feb 19, 2002
Reaction score
Lisbon, Portugal
Great post Robert!

However, i think you missed an important point. It's good to stand out of the crowd, but you have to do it in a positive way. Gold is not worth what it is just because it's rare, it's also because people like it! If coal was rare, still it wouldn't be used as an ornament.

It's like marketing. You must distinguish yourself from the other companies, but the client must see some value in what makes you different. If he doesn't, what good is being different?

I allways try to be different... But in a way some value is added to myself, and, more important, in a way that I like!

Don't always be the one putting yourself out for her. Don't always be the one putting all the effort and work into the relationship. Let her, and expect her, to treat you as well as you treat her, and to improve the quality of your life.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 16, 2002
Reaction score
the Great White North
Robert Jordan,

You raise a very interesting idea, but I fail to see the practical applications for it. Perhaps you have an anecdote that you can tell us.

Besides, Individuality is really a very subjective thing. Some people think that it is being individualistic by having 12 facial piercings and blue hair, although there are some many others out there just doing the same thing.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins

Very true, Northernpride.

One club comes to mind that is filled with hundreds of "nonconformists" who all dress pretty much the same

I question the value of individuality. I think people tend to be attracted to what is comfortable and familiar to them. Gals who wear seaters and jeans appear to be more receptive to guys in sweaters and jeans than to someone who's dreesed in an ultra-sharp suit. And women who dress ultra-sharp might not even give a guy in ordinary blue jeans the time of day. Just a little something to set you apart is best. Like a *unique* piercing where everyone has piercings

Good point, KometaAmarelo. It has to be something *positive* to set you apart.

Jungle Boy

Don Juan
Jun 4, 2002
Reaction score
Imperatriz, Maranhão, Brazil
Sets you apart...and yet is positive!

Hmm...guess that crosses Superman off the list...although there must be something positive there...cuz everybody digs least Lois Lane does.

Ha ha ha! Too funny dudes!


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
Heres an example:

What determines if a girl is a hot babe, or an ugly dog?

Is there an absolute definition?

In the old days, they liked chubby women, because chubby women came from wealthy (ie the nobility!) families. Skinny women were often poor peasants.

So how do you judge whether a girl is hot or hot? Simple - you compare her to the rest.

Women are hot and ugly because they are rare. If ALL women looked like Jennifer Aniston, we would see Jennifer An as a very AVERAGE girl.

Of course, not all individuality is good. Some (e.g. the ugly women) are not. If you walk around without your pants on its also rare, although not necessirily the "good" rare.

This is the entire basis for standard deviation; the further you get from average, the rarer you become.

Inspector Clouseau

Senior Don Juan
Dec 1, 2001
Reaction score
Orlando, Florida
About three weeks ago, I shaved off all my hair, to remedy premature balding. I can happily say that beyond all confidence and other things I have done to improve myself, this is the greatest thing I have done for myself.

Before, I was just another guy, but now I am very much a rare commodity with the ladies.

In times past I got some piercings, for my own sake, but no one can actually see them without my taking off my shirt or dropping my pants. So basically, out of sight, out of mind; I wasn't a rare commodity to anyone who didn't know (which is about everyone).

Ever since I shaved my head, projecting onto everyone who sees me that I am rare, I have been experiencing an entirely different set of life realities. What was true of walking in my shoes, is now false; what was only once imagination, is now true. I used to go through life with strangers never paying attention to me. Now women thrust their eyes upon me, at least twice daily; even today, I have women delightfully staring at me... who won't stop staring until I look at them. Occasionally I have guys in public accost me because of my shaved head; I don't mind it at all. I have guys joke about my head, and it's all cool.

Life is so much more fun. Blonde is to women as bald is to men.

Bald works for me, and I perfectly know it's not for everyone. Find out what works for you.

Never try to read a woman's mind. It is a scary place. Ignore her confusing signals and mixed messages. Assume she is interested in you and act accordingly.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Aug 29, 2021
Reaction score
I've only noticed increased attention from woman when I'm out with another woman. A few months ago I went out with a girl, at the restaurant I kept noticing several different girls, all at different tables, give me looks. Go to the gym with a girl? Girls check me out

On the other hand when I'm just out by myself or with a guy friend I get nothing, lifting by myself it's like I'm invisible.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
Reaction score
With that said, you don't need to worry about being the best looking guy there. Or the best dressed or whatever. If you can find something about yourself that sets you apart from every other guy there(or at least most other guys) You are now going to be seen as a rare commodity. and your value will skyrocked because of it! Try it
Well you can be 5,3' in a world of 5,9' averages. :cool:


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
It's so interesting to see a post from 2000-2002 revived. The main message is still true.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
Over here, 'rare' is Dutch for 'weirdo', so there may be some truth in that.

You essentially upped your VALUE in her eyes by showing her that, if she wants you, she has to at times do things that you like to do. You are SOMETHING after all. You are NOT FREE. If she wants to hang with you, it's going to cost her something — time, effort, money.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
