Your girl can't have an **O**........a curse or a blessing?


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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Only encountered this one other time, but the girl was just a ONS. This time I'm getting sex from her several times per week.

She has only had one other sex partner in her life (I know, she might not be telling the truth, but I'm pretty sure she is). When I asked her she said she doesn't think she has ever had an orgasm. "Maybe once" she said, "but I'm not sure".

I love getting a chick's a total turn on for me. It kinda sucks when you don't have the big "O" to gauge your performance :)

But I got to thinking, maybe it isn't such a bad deal. The pressure is off. And when she tells you that SHE gets really turned on when YOU get off....hell, how could you ask for more?

Don't get me wrong. It isn't like I jump on top, get a nut, and roll over ten minutes later and fall asleep. Our sex sessions usually last at least a couple of hours (with breaks, of course). She always wants seconds and thirds, and I am happy to oblige.

So what do you think? Is is a curse or a blessing?


Don Juan
Jul 7, 2003
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Western Canada
probably a curse,

I once had a girl who didn't seem to have Org.s,
I put hours into it sometimes rubed,fingered rammed hard
and she got wet but never seemed to notice the "O".

I dumped her,not just cause of that,she had issues...

a girl without orgasms is not as enjoyable IMO,
even when they say they enjoyed it:rolleyes:


Senior Don Juan
Jun 30, 2003
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She needs to learn how to do it herself first. If she can't get it by masterbation, you are unlikely to be able to get it for her.

Tell her to practice, practice, practice.


Don Juan
Jun 25, 2003
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Originally posted by Chaos-Knight
a girl without orgasms is not as enjoyable IMO,
No doubt, so far I have been with two such gals and it's a total turn off.

It takes two to tango, and I certainly don't have a problem with my skills. I noticed that usually such gals have some sort of an intamacy issues, or they are just flat out hopeless when it comes to their own sexuality.


Jul 30, 2003
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Well i think is a blessing because if you do things like a Dj is supposed to you should get her off. ALL WOMEN ARE CAPABLE OF ORGASM YOU JUST HAVE TO KNOW WHAT BUILDS HER TENSION!
And if you do it , and she has never has had one it would be like loosing her virginity again! This happened to me with 3 girls that couldnt have orgasm, but sonner or later they all had theirs with me! They LOVE ME TO THIS DATE!

On the other hand a girl you had an ONS with and only one other sex partner?
Sorry ...but i hate to brake it to you but she is A RED FLAG! and is pulling your leg!

I would fvck her right but never get attached!!!!!!.



Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
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chicago,il , usa
dude..when you are pleasing a woman..she has to act like your coach..and let you know what turns her on and what doesnt..

some women are too shy to go into how they get themselves off..but if she was willing to coach you and teach you just would be a win win situation


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2001
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Re: Personally

Originally posted by tiburon
Well i think is a blessing because if you do things like a Dj is supposed to you should get her off. ALL WOMEN ARE CAPABLE OF ORGASM YOU JUST HAVE TO KNOW WHAT BUILDS HER TENSION!

First of all I think its a curse. But not all bad ..

While it is great that she likes to see you enjoying yourself, I always find satisfaction in seeing her getting off. As feminine as it sounds, sex is a mutual thing. Refering to the quote above, it is true that you have to know what builds her tension, but this is usually half-the mission in this case.

Tiburon, women are not always capable of orgasm. You have to realise that women respond sexually completely different to men. It is completely dependent on 'mood' for women, and if she isnt in the right mood then orgasm is impossible. I also don't agree with your statement (nothing personal :D) because (as similarly mentioned by BobbDobbs) if she doesnt know what is effective to herself (errrmm ... practice) then she is not gonna know herself on a sexual level. Some girls wont explore themselves in that way, which is why a few can never orgasm till they discover this for themselves.

Refering to Starman, while I completely agree with him, Some chicks you could ask "what pleases you sexually" and they will honestly say "I don't know". Like I said, they respond to sex physically so much differently to men. Where we are mainly physical, they are almost completely mental/emotional.

In the end I wouldnt worry about it. I know I said its a curse but its not that bad. She's probably just not up to a particular stage in her life where she's emotionally ready for it. Remeber that women don't experience their maximum sex drive until their late 30's to early 40's.

Hope this has all made sense. And don't stress. :D


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2001
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Something else I wanted to add. :D

Ar7 is totally right.

It is a total turnoff, well I think it is but i comes down to the individual and how you find it.

It DEFINATELY does not come down to lack of skills, so dont feel like its your fault if nothing happens to her. I know how it feels, you know, she says it was really good but you don't really believe them? well it does feel good so dont feel like theres something wrong with you. Just had to point this out cause this sort of thing can crush a guy, especially if he watches too much porn where the gals always have an orgasm (yeh right) and he feels he has to live up to that :D

I noticed that usually such gals have some sort of an intamacy issues, or they are just flat out hopeless when it comes to their own sexuality.
Spot on IMHO. :D


Jul 30, 2003
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Tiburon, women are not always capable of orgasm. You have to realise that women respond sexually completely different to men. It is completely dependent on 'mood' for women, and if she isnt in the right mood then orgasm is impossible. I also don't agree with your statement (nothing personal ) because (as similarly mentioned by BobbDobbs) if she doesnt know what is effective to herself (errrmm ... practice) then she is not gonna know herself on a sexual level. Some girls wont explore themselves in that way, which is why a few can never orgasm till they discover this for themselves.

Read any good book and you will see that all women are capable of orgasm except some that have a disease( hormone deffect, or some other crap which i am sure it is not Str8 case because also afects physical appereance)! They migh not have one every time , but they sure can have one every now and then! THEREFORE THEY ARE CAPABLE! Who says because she doesnt explore herself down there makes it a problem! Sure she wont know how it feels , or what she must do to reach that point but a good Dj who can bring her out of her shyness would do the trick!

I have had this situation 3 times!!!!!



Don Juan
Oct 1, 2001
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Originally posted by tiburon


Read any good book and you will see that all women are capable of orgasm except some that have a disease( hormone deffect, or some other crap which i am sure it is not Str8 case because also afects physical appereance)! They migh not have one every time , but they sure can have one every now and then! THEREFORE THEY ARE CAPABLE! Who says because she doesnt explore herself down there makes it a problem! Sure she wont know how it feels , or what she must do to reach that point but a good Dj who can bring her out of her shyness would do the trick!

I have had this situation 3 times!!!!!


I did'nt say that she HAS TO explore herself down there, I was talking about becoming sexually aware of oneself and was suggesting that this can help (read any good book :p).
Yes they may have one "every now and then" but for some women this can be an extra-ordinary circumstance to the point where there is a VERYlong time between orgasms. Nothing you have really said has objected or contradicted my post, but instead re-inforced it.

Sure she wont know how it feels , or what she must do to reach that point but a good Dj who can bring her out of her shyness would do the trick!
If she doesnt know what she needs to feel (basically knows nothing about what gets her going), then how is getting her out of shyness going to help anything??:p

good Dj who can bring her out of her shyness would do the trick!
The main point im trying to make here is that in some circumstances, you can be the best DJ on the planet, and you will still not be able to give her an orgasm if she is not in the required mood! And don't say that a good DJ will put her in the right mood because sometimes this just isnt possible and can be for a vast number of medical and biological factors.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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The thing is, she DOES get into it and usually I get her so worked up she seems like she is having an orgasm. That's what led to the discussion...... I asked her how I could tell when she gets off. And believe me, she makes it known when I hit the right spots.

Now that I think about it more I would rather a woman be capable of orgasm. It's just more fun.

On the flipside though, she always seems to be satisfied. As a guy it is hard to understand how one could be satisfied without resolution, but women are obviously different like that. My last LTR was perfectly capable fo having an orgasm but told me that it wasn't always necessary for her to get off to be happy.
Apr 3, 2003
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I consider it a curse. I've met serveral women who had trouble and I had to teach them how to achieve an orgasm. A couple of them were addicted to the vibrators and I had to wean them off before I could get them to achieve it.

I have one on my team who had never had an orgasm with a man in 15 years of having sex with penetration. It took almost an hour her for her first she can achieve it withing 15 minutes or less.

When they can't...since I enjoy mutual climaxing the makes me feel like we really can't connect. It takes a while before a woman will come out of her head and relax to achieve it, but when they do it's well worth the effort.


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2002
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The last girl I slept with didn't c*m either. We were only together a few times, and I did all the stuff I'd done to my ex that had her screaming like a banshee, but nothing. She'd tremble and moan, and lie there trembling afterwards, but nothing you could discern as an O. I don't know how experienced she is - she was 34, and said I was the first guy ever to use my fingers on her.

That sticks in my mind, you know? I didn't get a chance to build things up, ask her what she likes, and now I'd give quite a lot for one real, no holds barred shot at getting her off. It's a real challenge. Shame she decided to stick with her bf..


Matt ala Casanova

Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2002
Reaction score
She needs to learn it on her own. If she knows how to rub it then she can do the same while you two have s3x. Alot of women can't have O's by the penetration alone. So if she needs to incorporate a lil finger action then so be it!! You get the O, she gets the O....O its a wonderful life!!



Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Matt ala Casanova
She needs to learn it on her own. If she knows how to rub it then she can do the same while you two have s3x. Alot of women can't have O's by the penetration alone. So if she needs to incorporate a lil finger action then so be it!! You get the O, she gets the O....O its a wonderful life!!

She's very reserved and I don't know if she would be comfortable touching herself in front of me. I do need to try to get her to do so....sometimes my last g/f would rub herself to orgasm with me inside if she wasn't 100% feeling it....worked like a charm.

I can get her to go WILD by her laying on top of me with both of us facing up. Sometimes I rub her while in this position, but she seems to be the type who doesn't respond as well to ****oral stimulation. If I can manage to get her to stimulate HERSELF while in that position we might have a shot. It's worth a try.