Objective: The Man Who Could Cheat Death!

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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On the Frontlines
Objective: The Man Who Could Cheat Death!

On a windy, rainy Sunday morning----the black-clad, heavily armed soldier known only as Victory Unlimited stands in the middle of a lonely, forgotten graveyard. He is surrounded by thousands of unkempt graves of AFCs (men that the world will only remember as Average Frustrated Chumps, but nothing more). But this is NOT a graveyard that has buried within it the bodies of men------but rather, it is a graveyard wherein are buried men’s LOST potential (their hopes, their dreams, their life missions------ALL the things that were meant to give their lives LASTING meaning).

With a stare COLDER than the rain glancing off his helmet, Victory Unlimited peers down at 4 graves in particular----all located in the area where his FRIENDS' potential lives are now buried.

With a gloved hand, he pulls out the waterproof, digital recorder and begins to record the obituaries of the dead------on this day that shall live in infamy----on this day, of a mass funeral for AFCs:

“Here lies the hopes and dreams of Ronald M.---Dead at 42-----his life over, due to having his masculinity being drowned in a sea of unabated estrogen. In an effort to avoid manning up, and taking responsibility for his own life----he chose to abdicate his throne as the king of his castle to instead play the role of the grateful servant.

Ronald was a friend of mine whom I’ve known for more than 20 years. He was always a guy who learned early on the power of words. Though women found him attractive physically, what they REALLY liked about him was his seductive, communication skills. He was a true MACK. He could smooth talk MOST of the women he really wanted out of their money, their possessions, AND eventually out of their panties. But unlike some guys, Ronald was not so much into the sex of it as he was the CHALLENGE of it. He was always more interested in seeing how quickly he could establish a rapport with women, make them feel comfortable, THEN “sexing” them up.

But again, the sex was just a byproduct that he received from winning over the woman’s affections. However, he was much more committed to “the lifestyle” of SEDUCE AND CONQUER than he was committed to one woman. In fact, most of the time, he had SO many women he was pursuing, that he routinely lost interest in some of them more so due to his VOLUME as opposed to just his VOLITION. But despite his one-dimensional success with women, Ronald was only playa-smooth on the outside-----but far too soft and indecisive on the inside.

So, probably BECAUSE of this, the day came when he decided to “settle down” and get married. Well equipped at seducing and conquering, but ill equipped at relationship leadership and romance maintenance, he married an older woman and had 3 children. This woman, though pleasant, was very controlling and domineering. Not ALL older women are like this, but many of the early warning signs of a woman who wants to “run it” were there from the start:

She assumed the mother-type role, she tended to scold him like a child, she made more money than him----and NEVER let him forget it. Every major (and most minor) decisions were made by her. And whenever he did try to stand up for himself and be a man (be decisive or show responsible leadership), she would break him down by brow beating him, or by giving him ultimatums to which he ALWAYS acquiesced.

So for the past 18 years he has been in a constant fight to be “the MAN” of the house. But with each passing year, his power diminished. To this day, even his influence over the lives of his 3 daughters is either ignored by the little girls themselves, or circumvented by the woman he married. The more he shirked his responsibility to be the leader, the larger the leadership vacuum became, and the MORE his wife was actually really “required” to step in and BE THE MAN in his stead.

And now, unfortunately, he has suffered some major health problems. He is currently on disability and unable to work. And because of this, he seems to have totally given up, and his wife now treats him not so much as an equal, but like one of the children. Now, this is NOT entirely his wife’s fault, because he must shoulder MUCH of the blame due to his unwillingness to step up and be the man at the very BEGINNING of their relationship.

Because he only focused on winning women’s affections and NOT on earning (and commanding) their RESPECT, his manhood has been rendered nearly completely impotent. And at this stage of his life, he has told me in no uncertain terms that he’d basically rather “do what he’s told” than to face his woman’s “wrath”.

So, as of now, though he is alive in a sense….he is DEAD to me. DEATH has won. And either if, or until, the day comes when he finally allows the light of positive masculinity to shine within him------- to RESURRECT his soul (by uplifting and altering his mind set) and to HEAL his spirit (by repairing the damage done to his emotions)…May he rest in peace.”

In a symbolic gesture of dismissal, Victory Unlimited turns his back to the grave----then moves on to the next one.

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
On the Frontlines
“Here lies the hopes and dreams of Miles Y.-----Dead at 35----his life burned to a crisp by being hit with Nookie Napalm (an all-consuming lust for sex at any cost).

Miles was an old friend of mine I grew up with. He was a funny, silly, overweight guy who always tried to give the image that he was much cooler than he actually was. But he was a good friend to me, and so I never gave him a whole lot of grief about it. Miles was the only person I had ever met who had all the same interests I had as a kid (reading comic books, drawing stuff, and playing with G.I.JOE toys, etc.). But then when we reached 13 or so, we both discovered girls in a major (experiential) way----and from that moment on, Miles changed drastically.

Nothing was MORE urgent to him than his pursuit of pusssy. Over the years, he began to disassociate from myself, and all the rest of our friends. Instead, he stalked the “in crowd”. He studied up on whatever was “trendy” or “hot”. Like a chameleon or an actor, he changed the colors of his personality and assumed many different roles in order to succeed with women by any means necessary. Well, ultimately he did succeed in getting ONE particular girl he really wanted.

The only thing was, as I later found out-----she was a DRUG ADDICT. And because she was a drug addict, she was always out of money and deep in debt. And because she was in debt, she had become a prostitute. And because she was a drug-addicted prostitute, her drug supplier happened to also be her PIMP.

Now bear in mind, I, and the rest of our friends, only found out these things about this girl later----during the trial. TRIAL??? Yes, the MURDER TRIAL that Miles was involved in. You see, one day, this prostitute girlfriend of his called him and told him that she was being threatened by her drug-dealing pimp. So Miles grabbed his “32” revolver and went over to play Captain Save-a-Ho-----LITERALLY.

Upon his arrival, gunshots broke out amongst Miles, the drug-dealing pimp, AND some disgruntled rival drug dealers. Miles, not being a true soldier, OR a true thug, was just shooting wildly at the crowd who was shooting at him. But the end result was that the pimp was dead, and Miles was on trial for the murder.

So Miles and his “public defender” went to trial. And the final verdict of the trial was that Miles was found guilty-----but plea bargained down to manslaughter. He served more than 10 years in prison. But here’s the irony of it all. The court documents later revealed that the drug dealing pimp was killed by a “38” caliber bullet----NOT a “32” caliber one like Miles was shooting…REMEMBER? But it didn’t matter, because he was just another young guy caught up in a largely corrupt criminal justice system. So nobody really gave enough of a fukk to demand a little thing like a forensics fact check.

Today, Miles is finally out of prison, but the lasting effects of his ordeal has left him a shattered individual who has refused to even try to elevate his thinking, his beliefs, or his behaviors above what they were BEFORE he went to prison. Even at this moment, he continues to pursue dangerously aligned, drug addicted women who constantly rob his life of whatever hope, joy, and inner peace that he could have.

Yes, he too, is still alive in a sense….but he is DEAD to me. DEATH has won. And either if, or until, the day comes when he finally allows the light of positive masculinity to shine within him------- to RESURRECT his soul (by uplifting and altering his mind set) and to HEAL his spirit (by repairing the damage done to his emotions)…May he rest in peace.”

In a symbolic gesture of dismissal, Victory Unlimited turns his back to the grave----then moves on to the next one.

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
On the Frontlines
“Here lies the hopes and dreams of Henry G.-----Dead at 40------a victim of his own PRIDE. This man was hit with every weapon that the Axis of Evil has at their disposal----Nookie Napalm, Flake Bombs, AND LSDs (Logic Scrambling Devices). Henry always believed his own hype, he was a lover of hedonism who thought that he could rationalize and compartmentalize his life in such a way that both his “sins” and his “virtues” could peacefully co-exist. He was wrong. He, too, could not cheat death.

He and I have known each other for decades, yet, now he’s GONE. He has totally dropped off the Grid-----refusing to associate with me, or anyone else who knows him due to the shame he feels because of his AFC behavior.

He's a guy that's been "married" pretty much ALL of his adult life, so going from one HASTY and totally EXCLUSIVE relationship to another has been all he's ever known. He's been married twice before already and counting...

On the outside, and in the company of other men, he's all "Alpha Male" and shyt-----but once a woman (usually the manipulating biitch-type) entices him into "falling in love" with her by means of freaky sex-----he becomes CAPTAIN AFC---along with the requisite chin in the air, and his cape flapping wildly in the breeze!!! Mind you, I don't blame the women AT ALL, because as intelligent as I know he is, he should KNOW better...And as much “HARD CORPS” wisdom as I have dropped on him over the years, I KNOW for a mutherfukkin’ fact that he knows better…

But he's a guy whose VERY caught up in societal appearances and putting on airs. He used to do shyt like tell me about his wife/mistress/fukk buddy escapades, and EVERY TIME, I'd try to steer him towards making decisions that would benefit HIM and his family, and to try to get him to see the VALUE of being free "enough" from NEW WET PUSSSY ENSLAVEMENT to put more positive energy into his marriage, but he WOULD NOT listen.

Instead, he traded his ability to control HIMSELF for the illusion that he could master and control WOMEN (whether it was his wife, or some random chick that he arrogantly considered "a challenge"). And as a result, he has now lost his wife, his home, his children, his career, his friends, his self-respect, AND even his "MISTRESS"----the woman he threw it all away for.

It turns out, she later confessed to stealing HIM from his wife for the challenge of it, sexing him up for the fun of it, and using him for his money for the expedience of it. Yes, it would appear that Henry’s Alpha-ass was out-played by a combination Freak/Hoe with no real Good Girl qualities to speak of. But this was ALL of his choosing.

No one has heard from him in well over a year. And I know it's been THAT long because the last thing he sent me was a goddamned, last minute, text message declining to join "the guys" on a pre-planned outing.

Yeah, that's right...he sent a fukking TEXT MESSAGE 30 minutes before our meeting-----A fukking Flake Bomb, like you’d expect that an irresponsible, or uninterested WOMAN would throw at your ass.

And that's the last I heard anything from him personally. But a few months ago, I heard through a distant relative of his that he referenced me (and the rest of his friends) by saying "What, Victory Unlimited and the rest? Oh, I don't hang out with THOSE guys anymore...".


he too, is DEAD to me. DEATH has won. And either if, or until, the day comes when he finally allows the light of positive masculinity to shine within him----to RESURRECT his soul (by uplifting and altering his mind set) and to HEAL his spirit (by repairing the damage done to his emotions)…May he rest in peace.”

In a symbolic gesture of dismissal, Victory Unlimited turns his back to the grave----then moves on to the next one. But as he looks down, he sees that this one is different. It has NO name on it. AND----it’s empty???

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
On the Frontlines
Puzzled, this gives him time to think. And these thoughts TOO, he records…

“As I stand here in this valley of death, where EVERY shadow I see has it’s own story, it dawns on me that the men I have just spoken of ALL seem to have just ONE story in common:

None of these men were SOLDIERS. They NEVER enlisted. When the call went out for them to come learn of, and fully embrace, the whole of positive MASCULINITY and MANHOOD----they did NOT answer. They thought they could cheat the death of their manhood by staying neutral-----by refusing to choose sides, but they were mistaken. Life is NOT a spectator sport. Life is WAR (a constant battle to live up to your potential as a man), and when you don’t choose sides, the choice WILL be made FOR you.

One of them thought that just because he was proficient in the use of SOME of the DJ weaponry for attraction and seduction that he did not STILL have a need to embrace the entirety of what it means to be a man (inside and out). Thinking that seduction was the WHOLE of the battle, he unfortunately discovered it was instead, only HALF the battle. A man either leads, or he is DRAGGED through life.

Another one rejected the call of true manhood as well. He willingly threw away the masculinity, the self-respect, and the self-control that should have remained his, in order to achieve only ONE goal: PUSSSSY. So blinded by his desire for sex, his moral fiber became compromised, and now his development into a mature man has been arrested to the development level of an “immature” sixteen year old. He lost his freedom of choice, he made his sexual appetite his God, and the “promise” of continuous ejaculations his IDOL. In an effort to become a MAN, he settled for only remaining “a male”.

And still another one of them fought against the reality of AFCness, thinking he was above it all---reaching the very height of hubris, he pompously thought that mere knowledge of the existence of “a kind” of war between the sexes alone somehow made him immune to it’s most devastating fallout----the killing blow of ONEitis. In thinking he KNEW it all, he only succeeded in LOSING it all.

In all these cases, these men committed the unpardonable sin. And as a certain scriptural text has recorded:

“The wages of sin is death.”

But sin is a word that has been religisized, bastardized, and marginalized away from it’s true meaning. Originally, the word for “sin” was the same word that was used for “error”. And “to sin” literally meant “to miss the mark”. So, like failed marksmen, THESE men whose hopes and dreams lie before me are those who have “missed” the target at which they were destined and designed to be aiming for------a constantly evolving, and elevated form of MANHOOD.”

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
On the Frontlines
“They aimed for the WRONG goddamned target.

THIS was their “sin”, and they have been paid the wages of it. The death of their dreams, their goals, their friendships, and ultimately, the death of the VERY thing for which they chose to sacrifice their lives for: Their relationships with the very women they foolishly idolized.

The truths found within the D J Bible, and other PROVEN sources of positive masculinity must not just be learned----they must be LIVED daily. Truths that are accepted deep within us often act as a MIRROR. And as long as a man continues to look at them, to KEEP them in his minds eye, he will always remember not only HOW he looks (how he APPEARS to others)-----but also---WHO he is. What is required is a strong belief IN, and an inner resolve TO, hold fast to the truths he KNOWS.

When I speak of “KNOWING”, I do not mean in the more colloquial sense. In some older dictionaries, “to know” something meant, “to become INTIMATELY acquainted” with it. In fact, in some Hebraic language lexicons, the words “to know” are translated as the exact same words used for “to have SEXUAL INTERCOURSE with”.

THAT’S how DEEP a man’s knowledge of the principles of being a true, positive, masculine man must be. It has to BECOME a living breathing part of him------not a separate set of rules that he simply tries to “follow”. He must BE what he DOES, if he would seek to become The Man Who Could Cheat Death.

What death? The death I speak of is the death men suffer when they cast aside their personal codes of ethics, their goals, and their life’s missions in an attempt to get and/or keep “other things” of ultimately lesser value. And those “things” of lesser value can be ANYTHING----not merely just the “wrong” women.

A man never wins when he becomes an Idol Worshipper. For anything temporal that a man puts his faith in, tends to put his future well-being at great risk----because remember: EVERYTHING we see is “subject” to change. This is why it’s far better to be the ruler of your OWN kingdom (a man of freewill), so that instead, things that “change” will then always be subject to “YOU”, instead.

This is a way that a man can SURVIVE, here in this soft-assed, mostly corrupt, culture. This is one of the best ways that a man can hope to THRIVE. And this is SURELY the only way a man can successfully CHEAT death------especially the “deaths” like those experienced by the men I have just spoken of------who’s shattered hopes and dreams lay before me. But just as the wages of sin leads to death, there is also a price to be paid to LIVE freely.

But the price of freedom is always the same; it is not affected one way or the other by either a booming economy, or a devastating depression. It’s market value does not fluctuate due to inflation or deflation. No. The price of freedom does NOT change.

The price of Freedom is always------ETERNAL VIGILANCE.

Keep your mutherfukkin’ eyes OPEN!

Be watchful for ANYTHING that can cut short the VALUE of your lives.

We can either LIVE FREE------or DIE HARD!

YOU choose!

NEVER forget who and what you are, men.

FOREVER strive to obtain your higher goals. CONTINUE to march towards the completion of your GREATER mission. And NEVER relax your grip on the personal codes of ethics that make you the best man that you can be------no matter how violently the storms, the distractions, and THE ENEMIES of your life seek to wrench them from your numbed, bloody, battle-scarred hands!”

As the rain continues to come down in torrents, and the sound of the fleet of Gun Boats coming to pick him up grows louder, Victory Unlimited continues to stare at the last grave----the EMPTY one.

Is it just another fresh grave dug for a newly slain AFC to be buried in?

Or, could it be the former grave of a man who was ONCE an AFC, but NOW is a resurrected new recruit------a man ready to join The HARD CORPS???

Is this the grave of an UNKNOWN soldier----an abandoned grave of another one of our brothers who has successfully found the way to CHEAT death???

His smile broadens the more he thinks of this more “promising” possibility. Through the blinding rain, he checks the time and DATE on his watch-----and the last words he speaks before he exits the gravesite are:

“Hmmm, I see today is Easter Sunday----it’s Resurrection Day...

Yes, I see that it is RESURRECTION DAY, indeed…!”



Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
Four graves = four dead people!!! Who was the fourth!? I kept waiting for a twist, I thought it was going to be VU himself, or something. DAMMIT I hate when stories have GLITCHES!

Great post thus far, VU. I am eagerly awaiting the fourth body, however!!!


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
Sarcasm is tough to pick up on the net.

Are you drunk?

Did you even read the WHOLE post?? :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
This is the greatest post you have ever made VU.

As I read it I was saddened by the stories of the brothers who gave up so much because of an illusion.

They were chasing and believing in only what would hurt them.


I was listening to this Rise Against song "Roadside" while reading this post and the sad yet hopeful tone of the song went along perfectly with these stories of such utter loss. The loss of self to the persuit of self destruction that on its surface looks like it will lead to lasting happiness but is only ultimately a mirage.

Yet even for these boys while they yet have physical life in them there is hope that they can one day change into real men but they need to have the courage and open that door that you showed to them VU.

Maybe like my favorite band's name some of them will "rise against" their own mediocrity and complacent fear based AFCery finally having had enough of the destruction, sadness and pain that goes with it and become DJ's.

While others will stand along that roadside half full of hope, half full of doubt one foot in the grave but another foot taking one step towards a better path that will lead them to fulfillment, enlightenment and life.

Real life as opposed to the shadow of death that they have made their spiritual homes for far too long held back by their own fears and doubts.

One day VU our great hope is that those friends of yours and all boy/men like them come to the realization that the chains holding them back and enslaving their lives and progress they had the keys to all along.

They could of freed themselves at any time but chose not to.

They were prisoners of the war within themselves.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2004
Reaction score
Victory Unlimited ..................... Great stuff! Cheers!


Oct 13, 2005
Reaction score
Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
We've lost this battle . . .

Chewing with excruciating intent on the last inch of his dead cigar, General Karma, his eyes closed by the sun yet sharp as a hawk, glares over the graveyard as the bodies of AFC's pile up in mounds. His dismay at all of this senselessness, just as the crisp early morning air, burns hellfire in his lungs.

"We've got work to do." General Karma rumbles to Joekerr and Interceptor, who flank his left and right.

From behind, KontrollerX delivers a message from Commander Victory Unlimited. Firmly grasping the note, General Karma glances over the words. His expression changes from one of disappointment to one of hope. He crumbles the note and lights it with his Colibri. Holding the note in his hand, watching the flame ignite and engulf the tattered paper, feeling the heat singe his palm until finally the paper is reduced to ash.

"What'd it say?" inquires Spiritual Officer Interceptor.

"It said: Solemnity is futile. Regroup troops. We have lives to save." The four men look contently at each other then head back to tactical command at SoSuave.

In the war room, the Officers of the SoSuave Army are collecting intel and relaying orders to the new recruits. These are the new men who have been chosen to fill the shoes of those who's internal compass has become skewed. Who have given themselves under control of external deviances and feminine attention.

These men are our former mentors, our friends, our brothers. They've allowed a chink in thier armour to become a focal point for attack. A small cut in the fabric of their masculinity to fester into a gaping, seeping wound.

They've lost thier WILL.
They've taken the responsiblity for thier lives and handed it over to someone else.
They've become addicted to external validation.

How can we help them? We help them by grabbing thier hands and forcing them out of the foxhole of dissonance. We give them the knowledge to repair the damage to thier protective armour. The weapons to fend off the charge of the enemy. The tools to sharpen his blade when dulled by incessant denial of the self.

It will take men to stand and face the enemy. I'm standing by Victory Unlimited's side ready to lead the men to battle.

Are you?


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
Thought provoking stuff VU. I've seen my own grave out of the corner of my eye at times, sometimes I even jump in it and take a nap but stuff like this reminds me to pull myself out again.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
now that was the something more kind of post that i have been urging the board for. surely this thread, will make a lasting impression!
good job:)


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
WOW talk about harmonic convergence.

Great post, VU

I am in the midst of writing out an Inner Game/Confidence thread right now.
(writing it in Word)

I have started it then stopped and restarted as I have been getting ideas and rewriting it.
There is just soooo much information.
And there's so little time..

I see so any people living a sleepwalking type of life, like theyre 'checked out'.

I guess being disconnected is easier for them than to face their life and their potential.
So many people have little faith in themselves...

I hope I can wake at least some of them up.

So many guys on here look at every thing ass backwards..

They want a cure for their Symptoms..something INSTANT..

Yet theyre too afraid to look deeper into the issue, the root cause.

Its like wanting a band aid to 'cure' cancer...


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2004
Reaction score
Interceptor said:
I am in the midst of writing out an Inner Game/Confidence thread right now.
(writing it in Word)

I have started it then stopped and restarted as I have been getting ideas and rewriting it.
There is just soooo much information.
And there's so little time..

I hope I can wake at least some of them up.
I patiently await your thread, Interceptor. You've woken me up to many knew thoughts. Cheers! :up:


Senior Don Juan
Oct 3, 2007
Reaction score
Wouldn't you like to know? ;)
I've not died yet, but I'm dying. Slowly and surely, before i've even really started, I'm dying. But I'm ready to not be saved, but to save myself, with the help of you guys. And I'll enlist, and I'll help save lives.


Señor Fingers

Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Wherever I am.
The rain continued to pour with a vengeance as Special Agent Fingz found himself before yet another grave:

He removed his helmet out of reverence for a fallen hero:

"Here lies the hopes and dreams of Brian V."---Dead at 31-----his life over, due to letting a pretty face have complete control over his life. For his worship of genetic perfection, he paid the ultimate price in the form of his integrity, aspirations and his friends.


Brian was my best and closest friend since junior high. In our younger days he was a hero of sorts to me. The guy was like 5'4" but acted like he was 6'4" and as a result was quite the ladies man. In high school he was dating one of the teachers and several girls at once. He was a bona fide PIMP with natural game. The guy could make you his best friend and have your complete loyalty in 5 minutes... all from the power of his words and tone.

I learned much from this young Don and we would grow close over the years, traveling together and having all sorts of wild adventures along the way. We were best friends and brothers for life! Or so I thought.

It all started falling apart when a loose woman entered our circle and was dating a mutual friend of ours (We will call him George). Now, I won't front here.. this chick was a BEAUTIFUL model/actress with the kind of face/body that you just don't see everyday. Walk the street with her and all eyes are on you, wondering the same thing "How did he score THAT??!"

As a result I was happy for George. He had been dating quite a few duds and it seemed like he had a real winner on his hands. And so the years passed and everything was normal.

Till one day Brian and HB Hoe disappeared on a trip together and when they came back they were totally "in love". It was a complete scandal from which our circle never recovered.. to this day, many people do not speak to each other as a result of the ensuing drama.

Anyways, I had a real deep talk with Brian, expressing my disappointment. On some level I could understand why he did what he did.. I mean the chick really was BANGING, but honestly, the saying "Bros before Hoes" was coined for a good reason!

Once the scandal died down and it became apparent that these two really were into each other, I just accepted the fact that Brian and HB Hoe were an item and that was that.

Fast forward 2 more years and things are not going so well. HB Hoe has an eating disorder and lots of psychological problems. But Brian puts up with it because he "loves" her. He will do literally anything to keep her happy, including cleaning up after her (she was the dirtiest chick I ever met) paying for her clothes, hair and millions of shoes. She was not nice to him at all and would sometimes get out of control when drunk. A few times I bruises and cuts after they had a big argument... but ol Brian stood by her every step of the way.

Then of course, he found out she was cheating on him.. not with 1 guy, but with TONS of guys (and girls). The guy was just devastated.. but instead of feeling disgust and finally getting this chick out of his system, he fell into the "how can I fix this?" trap. For 2 long years he pined for his ex, as myself and many of his friends provided daily emotional support. I couldn't believe my eyes.. was this even the same dude I once respected so much?

I tried to hammer into his head that he shouldn't have expected much from a girl who cheated on her man to be with his friend, but he just didn't want to hear that. Over and over he deflected my reasoning with his constant mantra: "I will never find a girl as beautiful as her"

And so began his descent into darkness. I have never seen anyone so obsessed with another human being. He left her messages and would cyber-stalk her endlessly on myspace, basically BEGGING for her to come back. His spirit was crushed to the point where I couldn't stand to be around him.

It all came to a head one day when I just blew up on him for being such a CHUMP over this girl. For years she ruled his life with an iron fist and continued to do so, without even being in his life! We ended up in a heated argument where he got all paranoid and accused me of trying to get in her pants myself... The last words I said to him were "Not everyone drops their friends for a pretty face"

So I let the situation breathe and stopped talking to him for a while. We would catch up every now and then, but over time he just fell off the map. Won't return my calls/emails and has me on ignore in AIM. What's a bro to do?

He is simply DEAD to me. DEATH has won. And either if, or until, the day comes when he finally allows the light of positive masculinity to shine within him----to RESURRECT his soul (by uplifting and altering his mind set) and to HEAL his spirit (by repairing the damage done to his emotions)…May he rest in peace.


Fingz was jarred from his reverie by a clap of thunder as a gash of light tore the sky in half and revealed the 4th grave. The vision was sobering - how close he had come to finding himself decaying in that very tomb! The rain took on a new meaning at that very moment.

The collective pattering of a life squandered became his personal baptism - a solemn oath to keep his integrity and character intact, to occasionally fall but never indulge in darkness, to live as a warrior and die on his feet, never on his knees - to be the man he always dreamed he could be, pushing, hustling and rising from the fire of time, the phoenix of his legacy beyond the ashes....